Do you take a line in or just forcible entry tools?

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Southeast, too. Truck/Rescue company work is pretty much the same everywhere in the U.S. except in departments that don't have those company types.
Yes but...there's a difference between "saving lives" and "search and rescue". Search and rescue is a specific way to save lives. Properly places hoselines don't necessarily either find or rescue the victims, they just keep the fire away from the victims and the people searching for them when the searchers don't burden themselves with a hoseline.
"...if you get in there and get turned around how you gonna find your way out..."

The best way to search without a hoseline is to just go in and look, unless visibility is poor.
If that's the case, take a search rope and secure it to a substantial anchor outside the area with the poor visibility.

If those don't work, you can stay on a wall, find a window, and use bailout techniques. If you have so much fire behind you that you need a hoseline to fight your way out through it, the fire will probably burn through your line before you can escape.
The engine protecting a hallway or stairwell might not be anywhere near the truck company doing the search. The companies don't have to be close together for the engine to be able to protect the truckies.

That's not the same thing as the truckies taking a line in as they search, which is the topic of this discussion.

You know me - all kind, gentle, and patient - except when Jack gets out of line. :-)

(Just kidding, Jack)
Our SOPs state that we are to take a hand line while doing a search on ever fire except for a confirmed life safety situation. We are a very smale volunteer department though and do not have very much staffing until other departmants respond which can take several minutes.
Ben is correct, you write and talk like a 13 year old that want to sound tough. Have you made it through high school yet? If you have shame on the teachers.
Try this "trying to" instead of "tryna" and "I'm" which is short for I am instead of "im". Phoenix still has a capital P, in ever state in the union. Then you might get some respect.
Are you a firefighter? Just wondering, your page says 4 years in a combination department. Is that the case?
WP, if you wrote or talked like that would your Mother or Dad bust your balls? I thinks they would. I think they missed the chance on Buff, so the FF in me said take over!

Fortunately, I don't talk or write like Buff. (Mom and Dad learned me better.)
Gary, how are you doing? It's been a while since I last saw you in Emmitsburg.

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