Do you take a line in or just forcible entry tools?

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That brings up another good point, one worth repeating.

You don't need a truck or rescue company on scene in order to search without a line. All you need is manpower with their PPE/SCBA and the right tools and equipment.
If you look at WestPhilly's and Capcitiy's comments earlier, they talk about not going in with a handline for S&R in urban departments. Back in the day, the truck/squad didn't bring in a hose, but that misses a critical point - they were usually second in after an engine. The truckies may not bring in a line, but they are working with engine companies who are (hopefully) fighting the fire.
NOVA, you're a dope. You perfectly sum up what's wrong with've never been outside of the US, have no idea how things are done, yet see fit to comment on it. Get bent.
Agreed, but that wasn't the TLP's question. That question was about taking a line if you were doing the search yourelf, not about someone else fighting the fire while you searched.

It's not an attack on your manhood, parents, upbringing, or anything else. It's just Borg breaking balls. Chill, dude.

You're not entitled to respect as a firefighter, here or at work.

You have to EARN it.

You haven't earned it yet. Mr. Borg has.

Your "man" credentials don't entitle you to respect when you argue a point that is so obvioiusly not accurate.
Rsk vs. Reward - plain and simple. We try to bring in the primary line in with us but if it isn't there when you are ready to enter the structure then you do what you have to without endangering yourself or your search team members. Fire conditions, type of structure, time of day, confirmed people within, etc. , all this info will dictate on how much you are willing to go without endangering yourself or the search team. Ultimately yes we try to search off the line but thats not always a gaurantee.

Try doing your homework, knowing what you're talking about, and avoiding acting as if you're an expert when you don't have the experience to make fact-based comments on the topic.

That might not earn respect from experienced firefighters, but it will certainly help you avoid having those errors pointed out in a very blunt firehouse style.
Grammar, what's that?

You're gonna have to chill, too. Sheesh! (And your spell-check jawn "obvioiusly" ain't workin). ;-)
I'm just channeling buff's huuked on foniks approach.
All's well. Just trying to survive the budgetary wars as everyone else.

Hey, isn't it your birthday? (Remember, I think, the Cracker Barrel in Frederick?)

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