I'm new here in the F/F Nation so I don't now if this question has been raised. I also know that a lot can be learned by each other, so...

What's in your pocket?

What tools do you like to carry inside your turnouts?

What works, what doesn't work?

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Not to be a dick here Cap, but if you search the forums you'll find several variations of this same thread. Stay safe!
Do I not appear calm? I was just trying (nicely) to advise Captain Ron about the handfull of threads on the same subject. You were going to ask the same question but kept it to yourself. Why?
I'm gonna guess that a "booter" is what you call a probationary firefighter in AZ? All I was saying is that before you post a topic, search the forums and see whether or not there are a ton of the same threads already posted.
Sorry Capt. but this has been beaten to death...if you do a quick search you will find some interesting answers....from the basics to...."How the hell can you move with all that crap...?"
Well then lets tell him what he asked instead of chatting about the question.
75 feet of 6mm rope with carabiner, pocket knife (Swiss Army, simple one), Leatherman tool, center punch (for windows), 2-2 1/2 inch hose gaskets, 2 flashlights (samll and medium), extrication gloves, door chocks (metal angle Iron w/hook, big wood one on my helmet), EMS scissors, 12 feet of webbing, safety glasses. These tools have worked for me for 35 years of fire fighting and rescues with some small changes over the years. Good luck in your fire service career, keep learning and train hard. Oop's, now I see that you have been around as long as me, anyway be safe.
I carry safety glasses, vehicle extraction gloves, glass punch, seat belt cutter, combination pry bar/wrench, flashlight and a door chock on my helmet.
Thanks for leading out and answering the question instead of beat your fists on your chest. I can tell by your response you are the same on the job. I placed the question for the new boots out there. I had intended to add a picture with my set up but was called away.
Thanks, there is always someone new that wants to learn, if not we are screwed. I remembered later I also carry a folding spanner. Tell the probies to keep learning for the whole 25 or 30 years.
If it's a working fire I don't worry too much about carrying tools other than irons or the knob.
Nature abhors a vacuum and pockets just cry out to be filled. I find it easier to carry a variety of tools in a canvas bag. From that I can take what I think I'll need. It's a regular little tool box.

Other than that, in my bunkers I have a 12ft loop of webbing (issued) tucked into my knee pad, 70 ft. of 9mm rope, 30' of webbing (also issued) rolled and a set of wire cutters. in my jacket pockets, 2 wooden cherry bomb door chocks with two wooden wedge chocks in the band of my helmet, extra flashlight in my radio pocket. The lighter the better.

Gregory, what's the working strength of your 7mm?
Amen to that brother!
I have been trying out different bailout riggs, the one I found to work really well is webbing instead of rope. You can stuff 75ft in your pocket, it's soft conforms to your leg and you hardly know it's there. The 3/8" spectra webbing tolerates more heat than nylon and is every bit as strong.
I also found a seamstress to sew up a pockect (like a nail pouch)with snaps so I can snap it into my pocket. It keeps your tools up right and easy to identify and grab. I use the Kline Journeyman Ironworkers Pliers they have a spring in them so they auto open up in your gloved hand.
--10' of 3" wide nylon webbing with D rings
--Screwdriver w/interchangeable phillips/straight blade tips
--Folding spanner
--Roll of electrical tape and assorted wire nuts in ziplock bag
--Electrician's knife

I'm an Assistant Chief and don't routinely do interior firefighting anymore, but old habits die hard. It's all stuff I carried as a Firefighter and later as a Company Officer.
Not enough to hold my fat ass, my wife bought it for me! I just use it for a search rope or to haul tools up or down with.

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