i know there is a Juniors Being Pulled From School to Go on Call post but what about seniors that are 18 years old? do they get to leave school for a call?

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Being an explorer i think tht firefighters and explorers should be able to go because i no a good many firefighters at my school tht left for school and made up their class work but i also think tht explorers should be aloud to miss school to go to calls but only for structure fires and big brush fires because for the most part all of the explorers have pagers
And another shining example of why kids should stay in school.

I need to take a break and catch my breath after that monster run on sentence.
My junior department allows kids to leave if they are passing all classes, and if there do not leave class when a test is going on. Our department set up their program due to lack of regular members being in area during to day to protect the town, so they have the juniors help with that. We do not run medical calls, and leave only for certain types of calls. I think that juniors should be aloud to carry their pagers in school and leave when they are called to help someone. I look at it as these students are still learning when they are at a scene, or are using stuff they have learned at station and or in their classroom at school.
Our department set up their program due to lack of regular members being in area during to day to protect the town

Have you even read the controversy surrounding such statements on this thread and others like it? No dept anywhere, should have to rely on children to get the job done.

I think that juniors should be aloud ALLOWED to carry their pagers in school and leave when they are called to help someone

Why? What are you going to do that requires you to leave school. There is nothing on a fireground a junior should be doing that requires a kid to leave school. A junior, explorer, cadet's job is to OBSERVE if lucky to be able to get on a scene. No reason to leave school for that.

I look at it as these students are still learning when they are at a scene, or are using stuff they have learned at station and or in their classroom at school.

Learning what? Proper spelling? (aloud) Sure a kid can learn a lot by observing a fire scene, no reason to leave school to do so. There are many current firefighters out there who never once were affiliated with a junior program who managed just fine to do the job. Then let's take it a bit further, how much is learning the fireground going to really do, if one doesn't end up as a firefighter for a profession? That HS diploma and record will open many more doors for one's future than learning the fireground of one's individual dept.

I'm basically saying the HS record will follow you around. It is that record colleges look at, it is that record that shows you were able to accomplish something, and so forth. Whereas, the fireground doesn't really teach you. You learn the fireground of your dept, which isn't universal. (what you do in Podunk, doesn't really matter if you want to work for Big City....Big City could really care less how much time you had observing a fireground or how much you learned there....but does care if you have a HS diploma)

It is fine to be eager and learn this job and even believe this is something you want to do. However, don't kid yourself, nor others here, to believe that a child has a place on the fireground, nor any reason to leave school for a call. Anything done on the fireground can be learned in a safe, controlled training environment, and can also be learned later in life when one is not considered a minor anymore.
We were on are third fire of the day a few days back and returning to the station when paged to another township for aid. I stopped at are station and gave a new guy the boot off the truck to go to a haz-mat class. I told him he had seen brush burn today and would see it again. To go to his class it was more important. He was not even a Jr. He is 28 years old.
Funny thing is the class was at the township that called for aid and our guys showed took the class there new guys didn't. How do you think that went with there training officers? Not well at all I can tell you. They really didn't need man power just another brush truck. But there new guys thought it was more important to put out weeds and sticks. I feel bad for there dept that they put on the class just for our guys.
This story should tell alot about what I think about leaving school or any class for that matter.
If you are homeschooled and either a cadet or still in high school at 18- you are allowed to respond to a scene. I am not quite sure for those who are not homeschooled, as I am. I will let you know when I find out.

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