I recent got a M-F 9a-7p position at my EMS company... I am the one that has to go to all the public events to make sure we are seen in the community (football games, festivals, fairs, etc...) other than being seen I have no idea what else I am to do... How can I be successful in this position...

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Congratulations Robert, at least I hope you feel that way. I have found when it comes to PR, education is one of the best avenues. It shows you are interested in helping the people in the community, it gives you a chance to show off your cool toys, and you gain the audience's trust with your expertise.

Talk to the service clubs like the Rotary or Lions. Teach CPR classes. Go to the Sr Citizens Center. Anywhere you have a chance to teach people and let them you have answers, you can't go wrong.

I was in PR and marketing for a company in my pre-EMS life. If I can be of assistance, please let me know.
Show off your equipotent, children and adults love to see EMS and fire apparatus.
Thanks to the both of you that have replied. Thats is the kind of answers I am in need of. Any and all other suggestions are welcome.
Thanks again
Robert J. Galbraith
Awesome! We are talking about this in my department as well, although we are volunteer and that may present some differences. This year was my first year as the Fire Prevention Week coordinator and we are hoping to expand that awareness and community pressence through out the year. Some of the options we are discussing area:

Mock MVA incident hosted in conjunction with the local SADD chapter (teens love the fake blood and get really freaked out waiting for the Rescue truck after hearing the initial dispatch- minutes feel like hours)

Adults tend to get a little squeemish about the mock incidents, but are voracious for a tools/auto extrication demo without the blood and guts. They really want to know what to do if they come upon or are in an incident.

Other Activities We have Discussed:

A Firefighter Rodeo: During the local fair or whenever, community members have races putting on turn out gear, using hoselines to weave a ball through cones, and other events with an evening competition between the department members.

Now, this is just me spitballing, but I believe that as firefighters on the ground awards and medals are not why we do the job, but they can be an effective tool for the leadership to fight department apathy (a factor in any volunteer organization EMS or otherwise). I would like to see our guys record the hours they put in for call response, training, and maintaining the department (wide ranging). Then these hours can be put into an annual report along with training and call response photos and given to city council, ect. Then awards can be made from this hour log.

Like a three tier system for members who donate 25 hrs, 50 hrs, and 75 hrs. Get good publicity on all these events and awards.

May add more later, but I have to run now.


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