Hey all,

I was wondering when EMS abuse starting recieving media attention? Did EMS abuse start when EMS was started..


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So as to what media attention are you referring to? Considering I haven't seen or heard of any EMS abuse issues, it is difficult to comment on the topic here.
Are you referring to the use of emergency rescue ambulances to respond to calls that end up being just a taxi ride for alcoholics and drug abusers? You have to be more clear as to the type of abuse you are referring to. When I was in EMS, I abused myself and others at times playing football but I'm not thinking this is the type of EMS abuse you are referring to. Where are we going with this one?

Human nature is to be selfish - we are born selfish, we must learn compassion.

Selfishness is sustained in many - leading to a natural exploitation and abuse of everything in every walk of life.

It has always been present.

Perhaps the media is just getting better at reporting it ?

AND because of the Health Care Costs in the U.S. - I think it is going to get a lot worse. Such as my health care insurance provider charges me a $40 co-pay for each doctor and urgent care visit and I can not be seen for weeks at the doctors office and must also pay a co-pay for each prescription

while my health care insurance provider covers 100% of ER visits and ambulance trips and I can be seen immediately and they will give me medicine for at least 2 days with no co-pay SO CHEAPER AND FASTER HEALTHCARE FOR ME !!! This logic alone makes it a no-brainer WHY the EMS system is experiencing abuse.
As long as we have welfare recipients and just generally ignorant people using the EMS system as their ride to the hospital where they proceed to use the ER as their primary healthcare provider, EMS abuse will continue! I was doing clinical time in the ER a while ago and had to explain to a very angry woman why the ambulance that brought her into the ER was not there waiting to drive her home hours later. She never did understand and I just ended up wasting 45 minutes of my life!
Here you can be arrested for abusing the 911 system.

I saw a cop call the wagon for a pt who'd called twice from 2 difrent locals complaing of chest pn...On the first call they refused to be taken across the street to a Er with a cardiac care unit. They stated they had ben there and were refused treatment..A quik call over to the er. Revealed they'd been in there complaining of back pain and demanind narcotics for the pn. The Pt when they realised that we weren't going to take them to a diffent hospital decided to walk away. The pd helped them in this sudden feeling of new found health.
45minutes later we get called down the street, there sitting out side a bar is the same person. This person thought theyed walked far enough that they'd get a diffent company on the call. The pd came and we asked if they'd like to be taken up the street to the er since according to them they were still haveing chest pain. The pt said no they wanted to go to a diffrent er....The Police officer told them..You can either go to this er in the ambulance or go to jail....This peron said I don't want to go to...At this point the officer snatched them up off the chair and hand cuffed them while calling for a wagon. Charged with abusing the 911 system.
people will always abuse this ems sytem. It's unfortunit but the fact is there are some very messed up people out there.
I am trying my very best to give it the attention that is so needs. Check this out. Leave a comment or two. Pass it along. I would love to hear from other eyes in the field as well. EMS is always changing, always evolving and always a team effort.


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