I'll start...


Weather forecasters!  When did they become rockstars?  When the weather is good they act like they created it and like we should be thanking them personally for the warm, sunny day!  When they are wrong which is 50% of the time they never mention their mistake.  I hate those bastards.

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Well said Paul!
ahhh got ya. miss spelled is all. no worries. thanks for the correction
No worries, I just couldn't resist.
Amen.I want to post this in our station.
You're the one who lives there by choice.That's why I live in the country baby!;)
Good God!Next thing you know we'll be painting peace signs on the apparatus and putting flower stickers on our helmets.Perish the thought.Not this guy!Daffodil Yellow.Holy cow.
The airpack thing is a new one.I just ran into that a week ago.I think my jaw might have hit the floor for a second before I regained my senses.That individual is full of BS but when the rubber meets the road I have the feeling he isn't going to be around.I lost some respect for that person too.(I had a questionable amount to begin with but was withholding judgment).Needless to say he isn't going to see too much inside time.I don't care how long or loud he whines.I'm getting PO'd just thinking about it right now.
The dog is too cute to be to annoyed for long.:)
LOLOLOL Brian, you explained my joke... thanks, I think - LOLOLOLOL

for some of us, it was more fun... unexplained.... LOL... a mystery, if you will...
Well, before the BlackBerry came out... I used YOUR version of BBM to describe that when I was a medic... LOL
Gotta hand it to the French... NOBODY knows how to make unions work for the people like they do... they will actually shut down the whole country to get their demands met!

And show a little bit of pale 'civil disobediance' in the process! LOL
And Timmy's is a synonym for coffee as well, right?

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