I'll start...


Weather forecasters!  When did they become rockstars?  When the weather is good they act like they created it and like we should be thanking them personally for the warm, sunny day!  When they are wrong which is 50% of the time they never mention their mistake.  I hate those bastards.

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CANCEL THAT... it is just a Real Housewife from Orange County, CA
Come to my day job and meet the person who makes you want to beat your head against a brick wall repeatedly. As one other co-worker says "dumber than boulders in burlap".
hehehe!!!!! You are so good....
I'm a Chaquita banana and I'm here to say......
1. People who just can't agree to disagree - guess what everyone has an opinion and is entitled to have it, not that you have to agree with it or even listen to it, just respect the fact that they have one!

I totally disagree with this statement. It ticks me off that everyone has to have an opinion. lol
6. People expecting something for free- I get my fat arse up every morning to the alarm clock just like everyone else and guess what I am happy to be able to work and that i have a job because a lot of people can't work or don't have a job! If you don't have frickin polio or some debilitating disease that GOD gave you then get up off your rump and work. My tax dollars are meant to pay for text books and school busses not so that you can sit at home eating cheese puffs all day watching MTV. What happened to earning a living?

I hear you on this one!!!!!
8.If your on time your late! - It makes me so SO SO mad working in the dental office that I do when I see people come in slap down that medicaid card after they are 30 minutes late for their appointment, smell horrible like they just smoked 4 blunts on the way here, and are mad at me because I can't see them for their appointment that was 30 minutes ago! Guess what ghost writer...I made it here on time at 7:30AM (NOT PM) this morning and I worked a structure fire last night so i'm going on 2 hours of sleep today and I don't have time for your trumped up excuses. You're medical care is paid for by my tax dollars so the least you could do is be on flipping time!

Those who know me call me the time nazi.... I detest lateness and will get real b*tchy to the person who is late (unless it was for a good reason).
Would need a bigger server.....I would crash this one
I wear brown PBI gear and love it!With a BLACK HELMET even!(my forestry gear is yellow though.Not that I LIKE it but it is what it is.My forestry brain bucket is orange.)And yes we still have a couple of people with yellow gear,one of whom's nickname is Miss Joy!I think we have a don't ask don't tell policy when it comes to nicknames though.
You KNOW now I have to see you post a picture of yourself in full gear, right???

So you wear the complimentary, yet ever respected, Daisy Colored Gear (with helmet of death)

With Daffodil Reflector Stripes

DON'T ASK DON'T TELL WAS JUST OVER-TURNED... so what's your nickname? (I won't tell anyone, it will be our little secret ;-)
"People that don't even know what a carbon monoxide detector is - let alone have them in their house."

I hate when they refer to them as carbon dioxide detectors!

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