Do you have special things you do on the holidays they are working?

Hubby's working Halloween, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Eve this year.  Halloween and Christmas Eve aren't a big deal for me, so happy he'll be home this year for Christmas!  But Thanksgiving is throwing me for a loop.

I've learned over the last few years NOT to just stay at home with the kids and try to pretend it's "normal" holiday.  It just doesn't work well for me.  I'm leaning towards going to my parents or seeing if I can talk them into coming up to our house.

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Hi there! We've planned station dinners before and loved it. I don't know how large your department is, but usually either the whole shift, or the stations who are sister stations (train together and have common borders) will get together at one station and families and firefighters all cook and eat together. My kids love this and get to play w/ other department kids. The guys love this and don't feel left out or lonely for the family holidays. And the spouses usually love this too because we can all still celebrate the family holiday with our firemen and the larger firefighting family too. Besides that, since everyone cooks, no one is up at 5:00 am trying to get an entire meal prepared. Everyone just brings plenty of whatever they're really good at fixing and everyone eats tons. Good times at our department! We've even had these dinners when family or friends are in town for the holiday too, and they come, eat, enjoy and are welcomed into the fire family too.
They usually do have someone come in, but it ends up being more of a spur of the moment thing I swear. Something I can have him start bringing up and emailing around about for me.

I had thought of doing this as well because frankly I get jealous when I hear "so-and-so" brought us in "x holiday" dinner. I bring over or cook and send dinner quite a bit for our station, so I get territorial when they go to the other stations and another wife has cooked. Irrational? TOTALLY! But hey, I'm not afraid to admit it :-) lol

My kids are 15 and 12, so we only have so many holidays before the family dynamic changes in our house.
Ha! Ha! At least you're ready to admit that you're territorial and totally irrational over dinner plans. That's pretty dang funny. I think it's mostly funny because we've ALL experienced it! I hate to admit it, but yes, I've fallen victim to this same line of thought. Oh, and another one I'm ashamed to admit is, after providing a station meal, waiting and hoping for the my-cooking-is-better-than-hers praise. Unfortunately guys are guys and they don't know they're supposed to say anything about the food. They all love to eat and they usually aren't specifically picky about who prepares it. They're just bigger versions of the little boys in their hearts, but they love having us around on the holidays!
I've had wives call to get the recipes from me. So they only feed my problem. lolol
Halloween was Jeff's first shift - luckily kids had the easy costumes this year. It was CRAZY trying to get them everywhere solo, esp. seeing as we had to make a trip downtown to E2. Jeff's shift is the day before Thanksgiving, so he'll be coming home, while I am cooking. Christmas Eve goofs up stuff for hubby's family, but makes it easier for mine. Just hoping there aren't too many toys to put together. I am making french toast casserole for the boys to have Christmas morning before they all head home. If he ends up having to stay on - we'll open up presents using Skype - it will work.
Oh man, if the kids were still young and I had to do Christmas Eve alone. AHHHHH, I can't even imagine. The hours we put in with both of us putting things together. lol Glad it looks like the rest of the holidays will work out for you :)
I have learned to just go on with normal plans. My husband is usually with us, but the first couple of times he wasn't it was a big deal, but now I focus on making the holiday for my son. I am fortunate to have 2 sisters & a brother & mom all in less than and hour;s driving distance, so we all get together for Thanksgiving - whoever is there is there - I don't stress if someone is missing anymore.
this will do great. I'm glad you have so much family around so you can keep holiday traditions even though it's with a major weighted heart.

I am going to my aunt's house and I'm sure I have now pissed off my mom by doing so. Oh well, I can't please everyone. The three of us wanted to go see her new house and there should be a ton of people there. I haven't had a huge family thanksgiving in over a decade, maybe two. This will be so fun.


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