Delivering a baby How many on here have done it? I am talking on a EMS call, Was it that bad? I have delivered several types of animals. I would like to deliver a baby there are few like me on are dept but most are terrified and think I am crazy. (praying it's not breech)

Tell me about your experience maybe I am crazy.

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24 years of emergency medicine in NYC I have delivered approximately 30 or so. Have delivered in cars, bathrooms the size of a closet, street, etc. Nothing more gratifying but nothing more scary!! Had a few "Oh Sh%$ !!" ones where either it was breach or they tell you I am having twins. Had a arm come out first once --- that was the scariest. All in all its a gratifying experience but you have to be prepared for it and make sure you have back up in case things go wrong and you have to move quickly.
my LOL stood for Laughing Out Loud - cause I thought the monsters comment was funny - I knew you meant no disrespect...

thus the Sesame Street comment - ya know like the Muppets on tv - all the little characters on Sesame Street are called monsters
We DON'T wonder - WE KNOW !!!
No it was not bad on us, maybe on the mom! I have delivered 5 in my career. They were all great, top moment as a FF. Bringing some happiness into the world instead of something bad happening. All the deliveries went without a hitch.
I've delivered two a little girl that came out butt first ( not the little cheecks I was hoping to see) and a little boy, the girl graduated from high school last year
Back when I was an ambo jockey, the rule was "no dieing or multiplying in my ambulance!" I'm proud to say that in almost 10 years in a pretty rough part of town, I never had a delivery in my ambo.

Came close a few times, though!
no dying or multiplying ROTLMAO
none in 5 years, not counting the one i personally pushed out. lol... i havent even been to a prego lady call... at all.... i think we've only had one... and it was really sad (i was not there). a members wife who was 8 months contracted H1N1. MI in bus with 4 of our members trying to help to bring her back. No help could be had for mom or baby. That member has since resigned. he cant handle med calls or the reminder of being around FF's or medics. terribly sad. he says he may come back one day.... i hope he does... hard on the membership.. such is life in small town fire...
Yes that is a good rule. LOL
We had a close one once, It was in are area but in a duel response area. So another fire dept was paged also. By the time I arrived there was a line of firefighters 15 deep at the back door of the car. A nice straight line a may add. I guess everyone was waiting there turn to get a peek. The amblance showed the medic was freeked out, Talk about load and go. I just set in are rescue I didn't stand a chance in hell of getting to deliver a baby that time. I guess the other department firefighters wanted to get a stork pin also.
omg!that was what made me love my work.i received an emergency call late at night on my 1st week as en ems personnel on duty and i panic.our ems dept was just newly formed and we do not have complete equipment for emergencies of the like but i was able to deliver the baby succesfully with my bare hands.
So far I have four to my credit. 2 boys and 2 girls. All went without too much of a hitch. One was in the front of a pickup in the middle of january with 6 inches of snow on the ground, another in a hotel room, one in the ambulance bay, and the fourth in the pt's house. Gotta tell you, after all the "losses" I've had, those four wins were amazing. Maybe not a call everyone will get to run in their careers, but if you can get in on one, I highly recommend it! Just make sure your OB/GYN knowledge is good!

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