What tartan do you all wear for your kilts (those that have kilts)?

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Mackenzie for Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue Pipes and Drums
Scottsdale Fire wears the American National.
Tartans are as varied as bands are, there are 2 recognized Firefighters Memorial tartans now (post 9-11) My Band chose the Red (Modern) Ramsey, there are actually several Bands In The northeast that also wear it, now

I do not have a kilt yet but I am thinking about either the "black watch" or the "firefighter" tartan
Bill, Be aware there are a couple Variations of the "firefighters" Tartan one is worn By Stockton California FD P&D and one is worn by I believe Pierce County Washington FF P&D I'll see If I still have swatchs around
I started out wearing the Royal Steward and Then to the Black Watch. The pipe band I'm working with now has had a their own department tartan and I'll probably wear that one. My pipes have Cunningham since that is my family. My wife wears a kilt skirt of MacKinnon since that is her clan at highland gatherings, I'll normally wear the Black Watch. If you're going to wear one on your own and not as part of a band do some research and see if your clan has a tartan and wear that one.
Hi : I have been with the pipes and drums for 49 years . started out at the age of 7 and now at 66
still going strong .At present we are trying to pick out a good tartan for our fire dept pipe band,
however hard time getting pipers & drummers . If there is a fire dept pipe band out there is looking for a bright red tartan , I would like to introduce the Munro tartan. This tartan is a beautiful one and will stand
out. The Toronto Fire Services wear the fire dept tartan and it looks beautiful .I would love to see a massed band of pipes & drums with the different fire dept logos on the bass drums, at the Maxville
Highland Games . The London Fire services is another up coming pipe band , who won the grade five
at Maxville, and will go up to grade four.This is all the news I have from Canada for now. I do believe
that we will get a pipe band for the Kemptville Fire services.
Capt Milfred Harper
My Band the Lochiel Emerald Society wears the Irish National Tartan...I also have a Lyndsey tartan...

Hi all, I started playing the pipes a year ago, late statrer at 48. Our department dosn't have a band, so I joined a local band that was just starting up.( www.claddaghmhor.com ) Our tartan is the Irish County Cavan.

That was suppost to be a picture?
The Pipe Band I belong to is Ceol Neamh in Lancaster, Pa and we wear McConnell (1st pipe major's tartan). I also own Murray ancient for my family.
You can order your own Firefighter kilt,and use it when you play for your Depart...
Gunn tartan, either Peace or War


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