The term volunteer bothers me. We are actually "paid on call". Mostly it bothers me cause ppl seem to think we are not "real" firefighters. Like somehow we dont attend "real" fires, MVC's, medical aids, etc. Like somehow our fires are not as hot or we dont have any training. In my opinion being a "volunteer" is actually more difficult! we have other jobs too! Emergency's can happen anytime. We are on call 24-7. Our "waiting for calls" never comes to an end. We are expected to save life, property, and environment with speed and efficiency. We never know how many members will show up (which means we often work twice as hard) or who those members will be. we must be jacks of all trades. one day im entry team, the next pump op, the next tanker shuttle, the next rescue team, the next medical team, and on and on... my hall training is very specific and tough. we are working through 1001's....i do my best to enlighten ppl... anyone else have this frustration?

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Some of my local taxes goes to fire protection. So, I am paying to allow myself to volunteer and protection own house. That sounds a little twisted.
Same here! Our meager budget is funded by village and town tax monies. I am in a 100% volunteer department so I am doing the same as you. Makes me scratch my head everytime this topic comes up!
haha, no any money we get from the town goes for equipment and stuff for the company but no one in my dept or surrounding dept gets paid for what we do. We never have and probably never will, but we love it.
I don't want to sound insensitive, but my advice is to "get over it". You, me, and most other volunteers, didn't join the fire service to win accolades and acclaim but, rather, to help people and provide a service to the community. If the lack of recognition causes you to not receive proper training, etc., then there is cause for concern. But if you just think people are not treating you as a "real" firefighter, so what? When I show up on-scene, I just do the best I can for as long as I can. When the job is over, I usually slip away quietly and get back to my usual life. No time to stick around for high-5's, fist-bumps, or any of that stuff. I know I did some good, and that's what's important to me.
Exactly right. Th volunteer community needs to create less drama, require fewer ego strokes.
i like unpaid professional cuz we did go through the same training as they did and they say tht were not real news flash we are just as good as you
you are what you make yourself to be. Just because people go through the same training, doesn't make them equal to others. It's what you do with your training that determines your skill level.

As for people not getting it, how about some public education. Explain to them through handouts, meetings or open houses that what you do is serious s**t.
just wanted to say, that even though the fire is out, doesn't mean your work is done bro. There's still overhaul, then back to the dept. for cleanup and restock.
Don't be one of those guys who just wantes to play with the hose then go home. And people who high 5 at a scene are idiots. Celebrating the loss of someone's personal belongings is very unprofessional. Not saying that YOU do it, just talking about those that do.
Ifsta brakes it down in to 3 . Volunteer, paid, and paid on call . I don't think there is any rules out there for identifying your self . Knock on the door and say fire dept. Being president of a motor cycle club . The first thing o do is get the members to look past the labels . It's hard for some firefighters. Maybe its the Dr. Syndrome . I went to school therefore I am over you . That why of thinking is wrong! Like I said earlier its reprogramming . My dept is on an island .65 miles till the next paid dept . We use our volunteer dept for a lot and they use us . It's the same with bigger paid vs smaller paid too .
Exactly right. We are called to assist with personal tragedies - there is nothing to celebrate on the scene. Our actions must reflect that.
Using the definitions of the original Websters "American Dictionary of the English Language" (1828) A "Volunteer Fireman" is defined as "To enter into any service of one's free will, without solicitation or compulsion. A man whose business is to extingish fires in towns."

Unfortunately people now-a-days don't know what "giving with out taking" means and they expect payment for everything they do.
There is a sign in a Vol. fire dept. in Chautauqua Co. NY it say you are a Vol. only one day, the day you joined after that your a Firefighter!


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