I'm a 100% believer in an engine should be a 4 door because 2 people can't do anything "safely" on a fire scene by them selves. What are your opinions on this?

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We run 2 engines...both custom cab 4 doors....6 seaters...Engineer, Officer, 4 Firefighters...all seats have Airpacks except the engineer......
Ya see I agree with that set up but my departments fighting that tooth an nail.
Our engines are 4 door with 8 people.
Can you explain how you can fit 8 people in an engine for me please chief, I have never seen a set up like that...
My thoughts are the only way to operate is with 4 door, 6 man engines. That way you not only have the equipment, but also the man power to get the job done...
In one of the depts I run with. We have 3 engines with 2 doors. 2 of them fit 3 people and the other fits to. My other dept we have 1 with four doors the other with 2
Engineer, Captain in front and in back 4 SCBA seats with two fold down seats by each door. They are similar to theater seats that fold up and out of the way when not in use. Allows for two extra people if necessary or available
"2 people can't do anything "safely" on a fire scene by themselves " - depends on the fire Zak, I've seen a few small ones, like domestic bins, that two people could easily handle safely.

BUT, under my fire service rules any fire call must have at least six FF's on scene, we cover that (in my area) by always responding two stations. Why? Because as we all know, it's only a small fire after we've arrived and checked it. Small jobs can grow into big jobs quite easily... We've had that call for a 'bin fire' that two people could handle turn out to be 42 bins on fire - much better to have more people available for that one!
We run a two run a two door cabover but we dont allow anyone to ride in the backseat and with the manpower thing if its a confirmed structure fire we automatically call for mutual aid
All of our trucks here in Phoenix are 4 door except fo the small foam truck that only responses to mop up's.
Hey Gang, I know this has nothing to do with this topic but I couldn't find anywhere else to ask - I am getting pinged by someone on FFN who goes by lissa4_love. She is rather direct in her comments and says she found me here on FFN. I'm sure I'm not the only person reciveing these messages. Can someone from FFN staff find out what's going on and block this please? Thank you!
Thanks John!

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