USFA: California Firefighter Dies From Cardiac Arrest Injury

US Fire Administration

The US Fire Administration has announced the official line of duty death of Firefighter Jim Saunders, 52, of the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District on October 7, 2010.

Saunders succumbed to a cardiac arrest injury that he suffered while operating at a fire on the Haggin Oaks Municipal Golf Course several days earlier.

Funeral Arrangements:

Memorial Fund Contact and Address:

Tribute is being paid to Firefighter Jim Saunders at

To date, 66 firefighter fatalities have been reported to USFA in 2010; 64 from incidents that occurred in 2010 and 2 from previous year incidents. Year-to-date monthly and annual USFA firefighter fatality reports are posted online at

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His funeral is on Tuesday the 12th of October.
Are you kidding me? 52 years old is TOO young to die. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends and fellow firefighters. Please don't let Jim's death be in vain. Having just retired and having cardiac complications that were discovered make me an absolute f***ing expert on the subject. There is no way I would be on this planet had I not taken the time to get a body scan. This alerted me that I had issues with my coronary arteries that required immediate attention. For me, I have been able to take care of my problems through diet, exercise and medications. Many find that they require a stint. Unfortunately, the remaining folks out there will become statistics because they chose not to act.
Don't be on of those people. If folks take a more preventative attitude, LODD's will become a thing of the past. Let's make that happen.


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