I'm pretty sure that I'm a member of an emergency organisation, not an emergent organisation...


According to my dictionary:


emergency   n,  v.i.,  sudden and urgent occasion for action


emergent   adj.  1. emerging  2. (of a nation) recently independent & generally in early stage of development.





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Roundup or .308 Luke? I'm easy, I have both ;o)
mmmm, not sure, maybe both might be in order, depending on rank....
You're EASY ???

Good to know !!!
They don't come much easier Heather! (One look at my avatar tells you why... )
WE noticed.... LOL

and I did not know old guys knew words like "avatar" ???

with every intriguing entry you become more complex... soon you will be a rubix cube
Ha, 'avatar' was the easy one - I'm into MMORPG...

However, the Rubiks Cube always beat me. Damn.

Never grow old, just grow older - the alternative sucks.

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