I'm pretty sure that I'm a member of an emergency organisation, not an emergent organisation...


According to my dictionary:


emergency   n,  v.i.,  sudden and urgent occasion for action


emergent   adj.  1. emerging  2. (of a nation) recently independent & generally in early stage of development.





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Heather, not sure if I've missed something or what your post is about????
tony and i were discussing the word bastard
Oh, OK. Thought I'd said something to offend you...
no no - re-read the couples sentences (posts) before and see what Tony and I were talking about - I was speaking to that. I should have started my comment with Tony's name probably... and Tony and I were just playing - no angry anything

sorry for the mis-understanding... you Lutan are not on my bad list... today :-) but there is always another day...
teasing again....
well... you NEVER got off THAT list... cage optional ;-)

the "bad boy" list... is quite different then "the you pissed me off and now you are on my shit list" list

The only way I have ever heard the word "emergent" used is as follows:

Weed Control Begins With Pre-Emergent Herbicide

I don't think your talking about killing weeds are you?

This could be considered an "Emergency" for some...
for many Emergent is used interchangeably with Urgent
and many use Emergent interchangeably with an Entrance (especially a quick entrance)


is the Urgent Care also Emergent Care ?
and is the OB & Delivery also Emergent Care ?
There's probably a few bad weeds in the fire servie we could afford to kill off though.... ;-)

Technically, yes. Both Urgent Care and OB/Delivery Care can be called "Emergent Care" It's not a common usage, but is grammatically correct.

When it comes to OB/Delivery Care, the word emergent is correct for two reason: first it is a situation "requiring immediate action; urgent" and their is a child who is emerging from the womb involved! therefore it is a Double-Emergent situation!


my brain hurts.... :-(
Double Emergent - LOL

Does that outrank a Single Emergency?

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