Ok we have all heard them

 "Firefighters are Whores and Drunks ......"

I have personally be called things I wish not to repeat based on my job, how did these rumors start ? I am aware that the Fire Service is very family orientated. For fun what is the stereotype you hate the most  ?

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Glorified janitor? WTF? Yep is sucks to be talked down about like the paid guys were bashing us unprofessional dumbass vollies huh.

If that is what you are choosing to only see here, then that is your own personal issue.

I do get offended when the firefighters on this thread keep bashing volunteers

Keep bashing? So a sarcastic remark by one is everyone bashing? Try reading some of the posts by WP, he is there poking fun mostly, not bashing. But, if you want to take it that way, then so be it.

Don't need my picture in the paper or to be on TV to do my job.

Then why complain about the career dept then? Do you know all the details surrounding the story? Chances are the media was contacted and they ran the story, why complain about it?

Oh the Glorified janitor thing came from a paid firefighter better kick him out of the union.

I can accept sarcasm and so forth, the whole issue is the point of making this another stupid career vs volly thread. Talk about stereotypes.
John hang in there man.....I have more respect for those that do the job (paid or volunteer) because they are passionate about it than I ever will for those that do it "for a check".....nothing will ever change my mind in this area.....
LOL... Whatever it takes...
I agree, most FT started as a Volunteer somewhere, and yes some of them forget.

It can be a 2 way street, I have had to deal with Volunteers on our department that have 0 respect for me as a Fulltime member, when asked to do something they blatantly ignore what you ask. I think there has to be an equal respect and as much as I hate to admit it there is a chain of command. I shouldnt have to ask a Volunteer more then once to do something, any Fulltime FF is senior to any Volunteer and that include Volunteer Officers.
well...i am a whore! =)
.....I have more respect for those that do the job (paid or volunteer) because they are passionate about it than I ever will for those that do it "for a check"...

It is even nicer to be passionate about the job AND get a check to do so. :-)

I should not pull a guy away from his window washing time or floor mopping duties

Yep, because those jobs need to get done too. After mopping floors and washing windows, then we have to train, go out on inspections, do some preplans, conduct a station tour and pub ed. Later then is workout, some self study. It gets tougher when responding on calls though because then there are the call itself, restock/reclean, reports, etc. Still wouldn't trade it for anything.
I know ya are big boy, I know ya are ;-)

... and now everyone else does too...
Heather check with the US Fire Administration....Those stats are not far off....
Yep, because those jobs need to get done too. After mopping floors and washing windows, then we have to train, go out on inspections, do some preplans, conduct a station tour and pub ed. Later then is workout, some self study. It gets tougher when responding on calls though because then there are the call itself, restock/reclean, reports, etc.

Wow I wonder if we should be doing those kind of things? Maybe someday I will learn to fill the truck with water.
Yep, maybe
Just because I don't get a check doesn't make me less of a firefighter.

And just because one does get a check doesn't make their passion nor committment to the community any less.

That is the issue here that really will never resolve itself if people persist on letting things fester. What you see as arrogant etc, isn't applied across the board, so why generalize? On the volly end of things the conversation typically turns to committment, dedication, passion all while doing the job for "free". Well good for you, but why make a generalization to say career FFs don't, just because they do get paid?

There can be bad apples in any group, so why let little things get to you? Should it matter what someone else thinks of you? Probably not. Does a shot have to be made?

What you probably see as a dig from me isn't the case. I mentioned the media thing to try and explain why a story was run for one dept and not another. I was relaying the sentiment we seen here from comments on the story. It is one thing to complain about coverage one place, but different when contacting the media. My comments about window washing and mopping floors is not a dig either, but is part of the job, along with everything else.

Thinking every such comment is a dig gets nowhere. It has been stated by the webchief and has been done that the career vs volly threads get deleted, hence the reason why I asked the question in the first place. If you want to take my remarks as condescending then that is your problem, because I assure you that is NOT the intention. However, one can not begin to realize differences and work on compromise if they persist to view everything as condescending and consistently keep a guard up.
I agree with you John, Are dept has its bad apples and arrogant firefighters same as any fire dept. I am glad you have job you love. The janitor thing is a gig and nothing more. Nope I don't care what anyone thinks. The media thing was done to show how they were better than the rest of the county. You would have to had seen the article. We never said anything just chuckled about it and told them everything we had knew about CAFS. Take care of yourself and your firehouse brothers.

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