When I started out years ago,we still had a couple of demand model MSA packs.We had Survivair Sigmas for the past 14 years and just upgraded last week to Sperian Warriors.Just curious as to who uses what brands and likes and dislikes of any of them.

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Allot of departments in New England use Scott 4.5 a few have Interspiro but most department's use Scott
I have used, Scot IIA pressure-demand, then scot 2.2. We used Scot4.5 but changed to MSA. I part time for fire safety on movies, my boss has both Scot and MSA, I still prefer SCOT. I just find the over all fit of the face piece is better and I have my own personalized face piece for MSA at work and still would take my Scot back.
I've used old MSA, new MSA, Survive Air, and now the Scott Nx G2 4.5 The Scott is my favorite. Better visibility, easier to breath, and if you get fitted correctly the mask seal is great.
WE justgot a grant and had all of are SCBA's Replaced, We ended up getting the newest Scott packs. it has the LED in the regulator, the gauge is angled. The biggest complaint we have is the emergency PASS manuel activation button, if its not placed right in the seat holder as soon as you sit down it goes off. Other than that pretty good packs
Our new Warriors are 45 minute,4500 lb. bottles.It was a financial decision too.Got the spare bottles free(Yea I know,the price is figured in there some where).Got a grant and they gave us the best deal by far for the amount we got.Thanks for all the input.I like it a lot.All our local depts. run MSA,Scott,Sperian,and one runs Interspiro.We ran the Survivairs before and we didn't have any major problems.
here in maine scotts is the normal. most of us use the 4500's
Our dept. is a small volunteer dept.(about 20 active and about half of those are interior folks)with a very limited budget.We applied for the AFG Grant for 4 or 5 years before we got it.Price wasn't the only consideration though.After I read my last post it kind of came across that way.Can never put a price on a life.
My current dept uses Scott 45's my old dept in NC uses InterSpiro, we were the only dept in the county to use them and I had to help train an instructor at a fire college on how to use the InterSpiro packs
How you Figure? Common RIT connection if you spec them correctly. One size fits all.
We use the scott. And knock on wood we haven't had a problem with them yet.
In June of 2009 we were up for replacing our current SCBA's. In the hunt for the BEST, the only manufacture who would give us a written guarantee of them, was MSA's. They were the ONLY company who would put in writing, that if a man was down and we used the pack as a means to drag them out of a building, and the pack got damaged from doing this. They would replace the pack for free! Everyone else said they would do the same, but when we asked for it in writing, There stories changed. We have not been happier!

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