I have been a Veteran EMS worker for 7yrs as well as having a cert in Arson investigating.  I am working as a Security Officer right now due to budget cuts and you know habits are habits and i love being in the Emergency field something has turned my Stomach.  On making one of my many patrols i found one of the main back gates completely secure you cant even open it. and you might think okay what is wrong with that? Well nothing but i am going to add a pic and you tell me. That is a housing area in the back of that fence and there is an apartment complex to the right of the fence too. and no there is no knox boxes for keys for that lock

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Looks like a hand on the ground. but it is also early not enough sleep..............lol
silly i am talking about the chain and the hydrant
lol told u it was early been up since 3am yesterday...........
damn go to sleep
wish i could working
lol i am going to get off of the job in about 45 mins.. so what do you think i should do about this pic. the apartment will not open the gage or put a knock box up
Report it to the fire marshall or fire chief here that would get the complex a fine just curious what the speed bump is doing there
I really dont know that is also a great question too and the funny thing about this complex is there is only two hydrants in this place and we are looking at a 20 building complex..
quick cut saw would do short work of that chain. cut a link out and then add your own padlock
OK from the picture it tells me that the fire hydrant is not in working condition and with the chain and lock well nothing a K12 or bolt cutters can't handle. LOL!
Well i know that guys LOL my point is this is disturbing and i did a recount last night to make sure my numbers where good this is a 36 building complex 2 hydrants that one one in the middle of the complex and one across 6 lanes of a BUSY hwy in a SHOPPING MALL.

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