I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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Jack...which god has the noodly appendages?
never forget those who passed dont forget to wear your morning bands over your badges and pray for the families who lost one and for those still on the job

I'm sure that when you say "...I spent time defending guarantees freedoms for ALL Americans." you really were referring to everyone, and not just those who agree with you on this issue.

Thank you.
how does tolerance make us look weak? Read some of the spew that bin Laden has put out. He is quite clear in his motives. Al Queada's primary driver is the perceived war on Islam that the west has been conducting for the better part of 50 years. They point to our unblinking support of Israel, our close ties to the corrupt governments of Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt, and about a dozen other things. America's greatest strength has been the ideals we represent. When we invade Iraq for utter BS reasons, those ideals suffer. When we torture POWs in one of Saddam's old prisons, those ideals are lost. When pointless racism and situational rights for certain Americans are played up for political gain, it kill us overseas.

What we've done in the past 9 years if give up a lot of what makes us American because we are afraid of a bunch of goat-jockeys living in the hills of Pakistan. Harden up nancy. Don't be so willing to sell your birthright for a bowl of cold, partisan porridge.
James, You are way late in this argument. First of all the piece of shit president is the one living in retirement in Texas. Obama is our president and doing a credible job. He was elected by a majority of Americans that voted unlike Mr. Bush. I also do not understand who those bastards are unless you mean Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld? Is it the GOD of hate that you wish to bless us with?
I also served in the millitary and i love my country as you do. But what i'm trying to say is that this mosque will bring trouble one way or another. I have nothing against the citizens of this country just the ones who hide their true identity just like the ones on 9/11.
Like the KKK?
Vic, that would be the GOD of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. As Gods go an interesting one.
You know which ones i'm talking about. Terrorists. I'm not pointing my finger at all muslims, it's just getting hard to point out the terrorists. Whether black, white, asian, ect. Look at what happened in Oklahoma City for example. You don't hear anything about that do you???? I was there.
I mean no disrespect to muslims. Just terrorists!!!!!
First, the Confederate flag isn't "atop the state capitol building" and it hasn't been there for years.

Second, the Confederate flag is flying on a Civil War memorial - a very similar memorial to many of the ones around Gettysburg.

A war memorial is still a war memorial, regardless of where it sits. There are many more examples of the Confederate flag in Gettysburg than the single one flying on the war memorial in Columbia, SC, as well.
Because everything you just said tells me that Al Qeuada isn't going to chance their stance about their hatred of and attempts to kill Americans regardless of what kind of discussions we have about the potential use of a Muslim-owned property in NYC.

When we give up our rights to freedom of speech because we might offend Al Queada or other jihadists, then we are indeed "selling our birthright for a bowl of cold, partisan porridge."

The difference - we're talking about ideas. Al Queada is talking about slaughtering us.

When Al Queada gets worked up and wants to kill even more of us because some of us carry on a public conversation, that response is far, far out of balance with anything tolerance will do.

As for pointless racism, what do you think Al Queda practices?

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