I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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Would an evening band be appropriate?
Sensitivity - the people who don't like the U.S. military base on Okinawa should be sensitive to the memory of the Americans that died to take it away from the country that attacked the U.S. on 12/7/41, not the other way around.

So Luke, sensitivity DOES apply to the military base, just in the reverse fashion of what you are apparently questioning.

In your own words Ben- "Sensitivity, like freedom, is a two-way street. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean that you SHOULD do that thing."

You can't have your cake and eat it my friend....
So feel free, EDIT: I won't sink to your level anymore and name call, I didn't edit a thing, simply cut and pasted your comment. You actually clearly implied the nyc mosque was a symbol of terrorism. Also please show where I called you a name (unless you meant the 'child' comment. You are one so it's not name calling.)

why everyone ranging from firefighters to construction workers are against a muslim mosque
Where the hell is Chief Ben when you need him? He loves to jump on absolute statements such as "always", "all", "everyone".

And these people who are against it are true Americans.
That statement alone would be obnoxious coming from an american adult because it would mean that they don't respect the rights of other americans.

For a 17 year old from another country to make such a baseless statement is just rude and ignorant. How could you possibly know what makes a true american? Your opinion? Would you like me to make baseless claims about australians? You're just an angry, frustrated little boy striking out at anyone that disagrees with you. How sad.
I will never forget that day. It was like a bad dream that came true. One good thing about it was how it made all the people of the USA come together as one. All the flags flying. It goes to show that when times go bad the people of the United States still have what it takes. God bless our Country and keep it safe.
it's one the saddest numbers to see. 9/11 when i see it on a rig, cop car or even on the clock all i do is pause and think of that day when we lost so many brothers and sisters exacuting one of the greatest rescue missions in american history. my heart hurts when i hear those words and i tear up watching my vhs of that day, i can barely get through it. 2,996 ppl lost their lives that day. we did what we were trained to do go in while others run out. i pray that the families from that day some day soon find closure as well as we might. i'll never forget that day. and i remind ppl of 9/11 every day when they drive behind my vehical, my memorial maltise cross on my back window. never forget 343. god bless everyone
I will never forget that day. God Bless those and the families of the F.D.N.Y. who lost their lives on that day.

If you can't figure it out, on your own then there's no point in my wasting my time trying to explain it to you.

And Jack, my name is still Ben.
Get back to me when you can recognize a question mark.
When you use the links to support your generalizations like that, Jack, then yes, it's still a generalization. Or...did I miss the overwhelming love you feel for all Christians somewhere?

Remember your "white Christians" innuendo? I do. That's a generalization, Jack.

The difference is that I've point out specifics about why your straw men were straw men, why your generalizations were generalizations, and had an open discussion of your previous anti-Christian posts on FFN related to the Charleston Fire Department and their displays.

"I can see now that your whole purpose is to try and discredit me my slinging insults, innuendo and falsifications." That sounds exactly like your tactics in this debate from the beginning.

The only reason I can think of that the things I've pointed out in this conversation have gotten under your skin so much is one or both of the following:

Either 1) you just can't stand it when someone disagrees with you because, after all, you MUST be right, or 2) your M.O. is to constantly put anyone who opposes you on the defensive, and you can't stand it when someone else does it to you. My personal observations of your debate style tend to make me believe it's the latter, because you try to put your debate opponents on the defensive all the time.

If there's another explanation, please tell us. I'm all ears.
"Sorry Ben it's not about christians, even though you want to make it so. It's about christian intolerance (and sometimes hatred) of things that aren't christian."

Where does that supposed "christian intolerance" (sic) come from, non-Christians?

That wasn't exactly the most tolerant-sounding thing I've heard lately.
So now making a broad (and yet...patriotic) remark that "...american sets the tone.... is elitist? christ-on-a-cructch there's no pleasing you, is there Chief?

As a governor and senator, John Chafee set the standard for honesty and decency that the rest of us on our best days could only dream to emulate.
John McCain

I’m going to fight for my cause every day as your president. I’m going to fight to make sure every American has every reason to thank God as I thank him: that I’m an American, a proud citizen of the greatest country on Earth, and with hard work, strong faith and a little courage, great things are always within our reach.
Source: Speech at 2008 Republican National Convention Sep 4, 2008

...and American ideals that are transforming the world, the principles of free people and free markets, advance even farther than they have.

There's never been a problem Americans couldn't solve. We are the world's leaders, and leaders don't fear change.

JOHN MCCAIN, speech, Apr. 15, 2008

If Vic's comment is a little elitist, what does that say about mccain?
I'd say it's BS, but not elitist... :-)

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