Why Does the Older Firefighter Have a Problem with Juniors/Explorers?

in my company there r very few firefighters that like the junior program is that the same in every company or jus mine and how come kids say stuff about us calling us wanna bes if they only really new how much we doo ....

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Hint if it quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck and swims like a duck then.....? It must be a duck....therefore if you sound like an idiot and talk like an idiot then.....? enough said...
What he said.
Get over it and do your job...
There are times when having your pager on is a huge disruptions - and perhaps one should consider putting it on vibrate only (if it has that feature - then leave the room) or shut it off for a few hours - knowing that the town will not burn down if you miss a few hours of the call. This has nothing to do with being a newer member to the department - this has to do with keeping a personal balance and community courtesy.

If after school, you are desperate to be involved, you can always call dispatch after school and ask where you department is working.

Some places to SERIOUSLY consider shutting off your pager - weddings, funerals, church, school, libraries, doctors offices, and hospitals. Events as well - holiday dinners, birthday parties, anniversaries, birth of your children, your wife/partner's birthdays, baptisms, etc. etc. You get the point.

The longer you are on the department the more you will see that staff may show up in the middle of large fires, instead of just in the first few minutes. Sometimes people need to finish their shift at their primary job before coming to catch up at a call. Sometimes firefighters have to come and go from a fire and come back later. I have been to several multi-day fires and everyone can not be there every minute of the entire fire.
If you shut the pager off, then you stay in the good graces of the teacher. Before they move towards suspending you for disrupting the classroom. There is probably not a protective clause which says you can interrupt class for volunteer reasons. But there probably is a clause which says you can be suspended for disruption. Just a thought.
Most schools - say no (turned on) electronic devices in the classroom - unless you have a note from your doctor stating the electronic device is necessary for your life and health. There are not usually exceptions for the life and health of others - since they assume there are many other people to manage those lives during your short class time.
and some old people just get bugged by young people in general

and some young people just get bugged by old people in general

then there are those middle-age people who get bugged by those older than they are AND those that are younger than they are

it has nothing to do with the profession !

btw many of us regularly get pissed at our peers too - so you can't take a lot of it personally

and in the fire service - ragging on you - is a form of education and affection
Yes Tyler and they are also spelled different.......LOL
You write in various discussions as though you are some kind of expert. Clearly you're just a poseur.
You do have issues with authority evidenced by your incessant need to be right.
Your argument about my being born when I was is nonsense. It is what it is. I can tell you you wouldn't last a day in my house or on my engine. Not that you're old enough but you get my drift.
I never said I was hot shit, those are your words. My response to anything is NOT that I have...oh wait, yes it is. I do have experience. For some reason that seems to catch in your throat. Why do you not like people with experience?

"Congratufuckinglations, would you like a medal? I can do the same thing too once I sit down study the ISFAC certs and join a department. Yeah I kind of doubt that. Not with the attitude you have here. So what else will you do in texas once you've washed out of college?

It's funny, you mouth off in discussions in areas in which you have no knowledge, like anything to do with the fire service. You know, the '5,6 or 7 Alarm' discussion, what so now you're an expert on these things? oi
You have to get voted onto a department or hired. Take it easy - picking fights is not the way to get the respect of the seasoned firefighters.

Everything posted on the internet is here forever - therefore your future bosses - firefighter or otherwise will be able to read this post... and everything else you write.

You can disagree, but try to do it with respect - and yes, this needs to go both ways. I understand your hurt feelings - most of us started when we were young too. The aggression makes you appear unreliable and unable to handle intense situations - which translates to the fire scene. Often on scene you will be ordered around and even talked down to - it is a fact - there is a hierarchy, take a deep breath and try not to take it personally. It really is not about you personally.
Let your work and experience show your skill for itself. None of us wish you ill, we want you to succeed. Grumpy old guys venting should not knock you off your path - and it looks like it is.

Consider these guys as sources of wisdom which you can never gain from a book. Yes, they could find a nicer way to deliver their message - but some of what they say is invaluable if you can sort through the ranting.

Show your maturity - by NOT re-acting negatively - and by NOT OVER-REACTING.

You may need these guys - or some other grumpy opinionated old guys to save your life someday, the fight to be heard it not really helping you earn their respect.

I am glad you are editing. Consider editing some more.

Someone once said to me, write something and then put it on hold for 3 days and then re-read it to see if I still feel the same way before sending it - since you can not take back words (written or otherwise). Most likely you will feel differently 3 days later, and will be better at editing.

There is a saying "If you want to be understood, you MUST FIRST seek to understand."

Good luck as you work to understand the seasoned firefighters - that have earned many stripes the hard way and thus have earned some rights to be a little bit grumpy.

Be patient !!!
true and with my post we got kicked off the truck because of a LT son that wouled not do what he was told and not listen to any ff officer or cadet officer.

stay safe

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