I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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McCain talking about the importance of 'sensitivity' is like bill clinton talking about the importance of sexual abstinence. Words and actions are at odds.

McCain is speaking from his perch on the right (perhaps slightly modified from those further right) but, and this is MY opinion, he is doing so in support of all of those who are AGAINST the mosque simply because it is islamic.

McCain's statement about 'sensitivity' is specious. It's certainly plausible, easily enough declared and defended but in relaity it has nothing to do with sensitivity. It's about appeasing all those who knee-jerkedly want to reject anything or everything islamic.

McCain would not be my go-to-guy for all things "sensitive' and the use of the word by him is nothing more than a ploy. Under the guise of sensitivity he does not want the mosque built, because his voter base/constituents do not want it their.
In that case, you'd think Catholics would not want to build a church near a school or playground!
Ben, you really should stop saying it's about sensitivity. Everyone knows it's about muslims. Because mulsim terrorists attacked us on 9/11 most people (and reinforced by Michael Savage for one) simply make the connection that islam=muslim=terrorist.

And why now is sensitivity so important? It never was before, at least coming from the republicans/conservatives:

during the November 14, 2006, edition of his program, (Glenn)Beck said to then-Rep.-elect Keith Ellison (D-MN), who became the first Muslim elected to Congress, "I have been nervous about this interview with you, because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.'" Beck added: "I'm not accusing you of being an enemy, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way."

September 2008: Regarding Muslim immigrants to the United States, (Michael) Savage asked, "Why would a nation that is as evolved as America, and as liberal as America is socially, want to bring in throwbacks who are living in the 15th century?

July 2007: Savage said that "when I see a woman walking around with a burqa, I see a Nazi,"

Savage suggested that Islam is "a bloodthirsty religion that's practiced over there by a bunch of throwbacks, and we're gonna to kill 'em." Savage called for the United States to say: "That's it, we're leaving them; we're killing them."

So now all of a sudden, sensitivity is the currency of trade on the right? It would be laughable if it weren't for the fact that so many other people now actually think that it IS about sensitivity.
a reply here...the post you were replying to with this:

1) Total number killed on 9/11 varies by source but commonly it is just under 3000, which INCLUDES the 343 FF's. So it would appear that YOU have forgotten.
2) Do you really hate all muslims that much?
3) As a superpower, are you suggesting that we somehow attack or bomb the proposed mosque site?
4) "...too many bleedin hearts out there..." you sound like Archie Bunker there, huh, geez.
5) No one will stick together for what? To take away the rights of people you happen to hate?
6) If america is not what it once was, what was it one time that you would want us to be again?
7) The rest of your ramblings really make no sense at all. You should take a basic writing class so you can at least understand what grammar and punctuation are all about.

His post has been removed, so your response is out in the open, and the subtle beauty of mine is sort of lost.

Not surprising, maybe someone that knows him called and said, "Hey look, that crap you're banging out on that website, makes you look even more stupid than we know you to be. You should probably delete some of it. Try and preserve whatever is left of your reputation there." Mostly because, after reading his nonsense, I don't think he's smart enough to have come to that conclusion all on his own.
Let's be clear about this, the comments we've been responding to were from Reply by kevin allen on and have now been removed (by him? the WC? dunno).
no idea where they went, I just noticed they were gone.

Why should I stop saying it's about sensitivity, when that's exactly what the issue is for me?

What does a playground and a Catholic church have to do with this discussion? Did some Catholics attack a playground and I just missed it on the news?
Gregory, no new Christian church has been built in the immediate vicinity of the OK City bombing site.

Your post is a non sequitur - another type of logical fallacy.

I'm wondering why those who are pushing the supposed religious freedom aspects of this discussion keep interjecting generalizations and logical fallacies into the discussion. It certainly doesn't make your position look stronger.

"Most people"??? Prove it.

You've already made demonstrably inaccurate statements in this debate, including the one about the percentages of New Yorkers that support the mosque being built at Ground Zero.

Further, I'm not "most people" so when you apply a generalization about other people that may or may not be accurate for them, it has nothing to do with me and goes right in the straw man bin when you use it in responses to me.
John, what difference does it make if the group that conducted a sneak attack on our country were citizens of another country or members of a religiously-motivated transnational terrorist group?
None, actually. You are drawing an artificial distinction.

The Japanese have enough sensitivity to avoid a similar controversy at Pearl Harbor.

Ben, Why do you insist on comparing Japan circa WWII and 9/11. Sorry, they are NOT the same no matter how much you want to slice it. Japan was a seperate country and clearly identified. The terrorists on 9/11 were radical Islamic terrorists.

The mosque issue is that when making such a comparison, you really are in fact lumping ALL Muslims as terrorists by using that analogy. You are saying that because the terrorists were radical Islamic followers that this mosque is subscribing to the same ideals. It is your analogy. The very simple little fact remains that JApan is a seperate country....the people wanting this mosque are AMERICANS who happen to be Muslim. Your analogy just doesn't fit.

As for the "straw man" fallacies, Ben, you were one of the folks going on the Christmas threads about a difference in Freedom OF religion and freedom FROM. In this case, how is this mosque really different? These people have a right, perhaps even moreso because THEY own the building to put this mosque in. You are defending lights and a Nativity on PUBLIC grounds for the most part. The Freedom From Religion group was saying it is insensitive to represent only ONE religion. You thus defended the freedom OF religion. Now here you are saying it is insensitive to build a mosque.......That is the issue being made by Jack and myself, etc. You are defending the Christian religious beliefs in one thread, but yet condemning the beliefs here because of the proximity of this proposed mosque. I would think that makes for a good debate as to how you support one way, but not both?

Insensitive or not, it is the rights and freedoms afforded every other American that several of us are defending. Majority of posts are against this mosque because of fear, ignorance or personal emotion, yet from many so called patriots who don't see the simple fact these freedoms are guaranteed.

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