I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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I thinks what he is saying is it does not matter if people want it or not. It is their property and their religion. Some people claim that one of the best things about America is the freedom of religion. But now they want the government or popular polls to decide on religious issues.
So we should not have any Dutch Reformed Churches on Manhatten Island because the Dutch killed the native Americans there?
Are you yelling at us Debbie?
there is no other churchs in the area so why allow this and u can bite me

So St Paul's chapel, literally across the street from the site isn't a church then? So Trinity Church, a stones throw from the site isn't a church? Better go check out that area Kevin.

my wife is actually from new york and had to witness this in real time and deal with this thought of her friend and her friends baby who died that day and the last place a moscue belongs is anywhere near the sight it is sacred

You do realize there were also Muslims who died in the towers as well right? You realize there were Muslims helping Christians and so forth on 9/11, right? So I guess in your eyes they are all just terrorists too, right?

Nothing like having animosity and fear be a driving force rather than common sense and rational thought.
You do realize there were also Muslims who died in the towers as well right? You realize there were Muslims helping Christians and so forth on 9/11, right? So I guess in your eyes they are all just terrorists too, right?
Well said John.

Just because someone is a practising Muslim, doesn't mean they're a terrorist. People need to remember that!

I'm sure if we look through the history and stats of 9/11, we'd find there were Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Catholics, Christians and a whole raft of other religions represented during the rescue and recovery effort....
What I look at is the good: the heroism and the bravery that took place of that fateful day.

That is what I always look at.

anyone remember the freedom towers...they were suppose to be completed by 9/11/11....they got a year and a month and i dont see anyhting happening.
sorry its off now promise i've been venting all night. sorry

"...well why put the moscue there why not a block away..."
The mosque will be TWO blocks away, right where the present building they own is.

That you think no muslim mosque should be near the WTC implies that you are not that good american. That you further think that all muslims are terrorists implies you are ignorant.

Your admission that you're a sinner at heart was understood from your first reply.

Unless I can find a way to have ALL churches, synagogues, temples, mosques and chapels removed from everywhere then clearly, freedom of religion does exist. Sadly you are all too willing to use YOUR right of freedom of religion (and speech) to deny it to others to whom you have labeled terrorists.

No, it's NOT supposed to be one nation under god, because at that point the only ones who really believe that refuse to let anyone else think that it is under THEIR god. Sorry, just based on past practices I'd have to say that your christian god is not the best example.

I appreciate you calling me a "...just another a**hole..." It removes all doubt for anyone who might think you ever had a point.

Your commentary about people who only watched it on tv, I have my doubts that you were ever there. Even IF you were, that you would wave it about as something we should all be envious about is disgraceful. That you think you are better than anyone else because you MAY have been there diminishes all the work, effort and tears spent by those people who wished they had NEVER been there. Shame on you. So much for your (presumed) christian compassion. I call hypocrite.
Jack, just because they have "the right" to do it does not make it right. To follow your logic to it's logical conclusion then you also have to believe in having strip clubs, liquor stores and porn video stores next to schools and in residential areas where people wouldn't want it. It's called decorum and being sensitive to your neighbors, in this case neighbors who were attacked by exremists of a muslim religion. Should be outlaw it? No not at all. New York City is a big big place no one would object it being only a mile or two from Ground Zero, but to be 2 blocks from Ground Zero, and having damage from the landing gear on the building, and the fact that it only happened nine years ago, all of these things mean that it's not the right thing to do. Sure they have the right to do it, after all they own the property, but again open an adult video store or strip club next to a school and see how long you last. Same thing as here it's called common sense and respect for your neighbors.

Zoning laws are particular to every town and as such if it is decreed that a package store, strip club or porn/video stores are considered undesirable near schools, residential areas then those are the zoning laws they pass. So long as they are justifiable under the law (which they tend to be) then no infringement is made.

There have been instances were a proposed "church" was denied on the basis of increased traffic and other issues. It wasn't a religion thing, only a zoning/ordinance thing.

But when you have churches, chapels, synagogues etc all within a similar boundary to the WTC yet it is only the muslim mosque that is being required to move suggests an inequality under the law. It doesn't really matter what you or I personally think or feel about it, it's about meeting the requirements of the law. They have so they have the right to do as they see fit (and are allowed to) under the law.

As for damage to their building from the 9/11 attacks, they were just as attacked as everyone else that day. It certainly was just an accident and that the attackers attempted to avoid harming that building. They lived through that day just like everyone else did.

This will be offensive to some but my own personal belief is that the object is simply one of religious. They are muslims, they are painted with the same brush as the terrorists and so people are against it. "Love thy neighbor..." Can't remember who it was that said that. I'm pretty sure he was killed for his pacifist beliefs though. Can't remember by whom, though. Oh well, I guess it's really a matter of time heals all wounds. Perhaps.

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