We are constantly told in NSW, Australia that we need a pocket knife, pen and paper, at least five litres of drinking water, food, medication if required, length of rope, lighter, torch, compass.. the list goes on.  These are things we are not provided with but are required to lug around in the moutains or the bush in addition to all of the PPE provided and tools required for the job.  Can anyone share with me and others the best methods for storage of these items and how they manage to carry all of this stuff around without it impeding their movement.

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Naw...we change every day....1st squad changes with 3rd squad and 2nd squad changes with 4th squad......
Hi Bob
I am very upset about the state of affairs in Queensland. We were doing a training course on the weekend and the other NSW volunteers were discussing how extremely difficult your situation is. You would think that something would be done with the increase in population, the size of the areas you guys have to cover and the new infrastucture and mining projects that are going in.
It's really embarrassing for any Aussie to see what is happening, or not happening up there. God's own country without properly equipped volunteers. I wounder if there is a campaign we could start up or something to give the issue awareness?
We also the have the pocket that opens straight to your leg, so I can empathise with you there. In all seriousness something must be done for QLD volunteers.
Hi Again Bob
Please let me know if you know if anything is being done about this, ie a lobby group or such. Shame Kevin is not still PM, we could have brought it to his attention perhaps. Does any monet come from insurance companies up there like here in NSW?
Hi Tony
Thanks for your feedback. When we respond, I very often have no stuff with me. This is why I am asking people for their suggestions. I want to be better prepared fo this fire seaon as it looks like it could be a big one for us in the Blue Mountains due to the massive build up of fuels and our terrain. Unfortunately for us, our area is extremely difficult terrain to walk in as it is mountainous and a lot of is inaccessable by truck, so we are on foot a lot when it comes to Hazard Reduction activities and therefore away from the truck for hours sometimes, and a long very steep walk. I am getting a camel pack for water, so hopefully one with a couple of pockets will help.
Hi James
Thanks for the info. I had to laugh at your description of the pineapple orange chicken, it sounds so nice and exotic...I probably would have fallen for that one...lol. Babywipes, great idea. Thankyou so much.
Thanks Ranni. Very practical advice.
Hi Norm. Thanks for the response. I never remember earplugs. Great idea. When we are use the chainsaw, there are only enough earmuffs for the operators. Luckily we don't have to carry a pack when away from the truck, but we are irresponsible if we don't have a few things like water. Thereae some great adds in your list.
Hi David, thanks for your great response. We ar in a very remote, mountainous area and are lucky if our truck goes anywhere near where we need to go in some circumstances. Our setup here is very similar to what you describe in the west of the USA.
A lot of mention from US responses about fire shelters, we don't use them at all. We just have ourselves, our cotton Proban treated outfit and helmet, goggles, gloves, boots, truck, fire blankets in truck and whatever cmmon sense and training we have to pull us through in case of a flashover, and to protect us from radiant heat and ember attack.
The other problem we have is with GPS. As we are remote and mountainous. They often do not work here, same with radio, mobile(cell)phone and other devices.
Thanks for all the info it was great.
Hi Tony, I need at least one thousand dollars so far..lol.
We have hardly any room in our truck to sit, so the gear gets scrunched in with us. Quite a hilarious scenario really, we need all of this stuff and nowhere to put it.
Could someone please explain what a skivvie is? In Australia its a long necked and long sleeved undergarment we wear to keep us warm in winter!...lol
just plain old underwear......LOL

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