Well i was at the station today when a new guy who just joined the department came up to me and one of my buddies showing us these golf balls he was saying that if he gets lost in a fire like in a church or a big warehouse he could toss the golf balls to see which wall was closer now i know it might sound like a good idea but i just never herd of this before now the new guy might be teaching me new tricks but just seems odd to carry around 12 golf balls in your turnout gear lol please tell me what you think

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Never heard of that one! And in a big, open, space like that, how would you hear them if they hit something. But say it DOES work. A dozen of them? How many times are you planning on getting lost? Once you get back on a wall, STAY on the wall!!!
Interesting, pre-planning "getting lost" with golf balls. How about spending some time training on situational awareness, crew integrity, reading fire and smoke behavior to avoid the mayday. Ummm stuff you might use at every fire instead of golf balls for the very seldom interior church fire.

Ask him, "Hey I am wondering do I throw MY balls, before or after I call the mayday?"
I thought the same thing lol just wanted to know what other people thought of this thanks for your posts :)
A blacked out mask in a silent environment is one thing. Being in a loud fire is another. Don't think he could hear them then.
I personally carry 10' piece of rope my coat pocket so I can tie one end to me boot and the other end my partner can tie to his wrist. It extends our search pattern and one of us is always in contact with the wall.... I am really doubt you would hear a golf ball hit a wall in a fire. I mean just to communicate with your partner you have to yell so I do not see that working..... Just my opinion any ways....
Gotta say, that in all my training, talking, etc., I never heard of that one.
WOW what will the new guys think of next?
I know Right lol i have been around the fire department setting ever since i was about 5 allmost everyone in my fam is a firefighter or was at one point in time and none of them have ever heard of this lol my dad who is asst chief on our department just laughed at him but the new guy will learn everyone has to start out some where lol
So does he use a chipping wedge or a putter?
How does he know it's a wall he hit, lots of other things to hit.
He doesn't he is to new to know better. He should shut up until he learns his job.
My Batallion Capt told me about the golf balls, I keep a couple but noy a dozen, True you may not here it hit a wall, unless luck was on your side, but if your partner got separated from you and you call a mayday due to being lost, It might just help save you. the other possibility for them would be on a multi story building, they could be used to knock out windows for venting when needed early before the ladder is placed.

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