im not gripping just asking what all of you think yes or no, i vote yes we should wear them

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Brian you are probable right but I have seen molten aluminum do the same thing...
We have a simple policy.....If you are on a call and are seen without "proper PPE" then you are sent to sit in the truck.....same goes for safety vests on MVA....simple...wear it or don't show up.....No discussion, no arguments....
HAHAHA I am assuming this isn't serious. I heard the green tanks give you a minute longer than the carbon fibers
I always liked the blue tanks myself, you know us smurfs can go anywhere LMAO.
If your skin is that thin then I rec that you don't post....We all catch flack if we post something that maybe we shouldn't have.....The biggest issue is putting your Departments dirty laundry out here for the world to see.....Son, that's something that we just don't do....we keep our "discussions" behind closed doors...And we NEVER, EVER buck the Chief in public....He is responsible for EVERYTHING that happens in, on or even around the Department.....Just think before you post that's all
Yah Paul, the more I look at that pic, the more I think you are right. Of course we can't see the front end, and as far as I know (which is not alot, but enough to know better) the engine and maybe part of the drive train could be magnesium. On the other hand, there could be more aluminum than we can see. Good point. Now if you look real close, you can almost see the brown spot in that dude's (__!__) when that happened. My guess this fellow learned something that day!
I just remembered something, as far as molten metal, its a safe bet that if you pour water on any molten metal its gonna go bang! It happened a few years ago at our copper smelter, they poured water on molten copper furnaces to cool them for maint. and it blew the place apart.
Sir Im not sure how this question is a stupid post or dirty laundry this is an issue in my area and I sir was just seeing if it was elsewere as well. The only time I get upset about any of this is when people cant see that Im not complaining just talking, and when they cant quit ridin' my a s s because i only have 2 years on the fire service. All Im saying if youre gonna give somebody a ripping read their complete profile and dont assume that they have no experince because they might just have some.
Yes absolutely, air is free health care isn't.

It's in french but it says "Small Fires" There's no such things as small fires, smoke kills.

It's not word for word but it's the essence of the message. If you like this picture, i've got some others on my profile.
To add to what Brian was saying. If any one needs a Hurt Feelings Report let me know and I will send you one.
Dodging a deploying airbag might not be feasible, but an already deployed airbag can pose a tangle hazard to someone who has an SCBA on and is working inside the vehicle. If the fire is out, and you are working to extricate, SCBAs can become a problem.
Well my Department had a car fire last year, which an airbag shout out the side of the car because of the heat that it was under. It is easy to cut an airbag if you get tangled up in it, but you can't move out of the way of a flying airbag. You still wear your SCBA no matter what
I agree wear the won't do shit for you for protection from "a flying airbag" protection from trauma isn't what it is designed to do....its for respiratory protection for a hazardous Matthew wear it but remember it isn't a kevlar suit...don't go stepping in front of any speeding bullets......

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