Im Currenly doing a survey on the pros, and cons of an Explorer post for my department. Currently we have a Jr program that starts up at the atge of 16, and we like but want to make it better to allow younger people atleast 14 to join. So we have an idea of creating an explorer post. I would just want your opinons on the explorer post on how its operated and run. Or this other idea to keep the jrs but changing the by-laws to accept 14 yr olds.

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Well your profile states you are a junior, so you may not like the advice you are about to get. I started as an explorer and I don't really see much of a difference in operations of explorer posts, vs a junior program. The biggest difference is a true Explorer post is affiliated with the Boy Scouts through the Learning for Life program. The LFL provides the guidelines and structure of a post to establish and also provides an insurance policy. The LFL also has cleary established rules for Explorers to follow and none of that entails operating on a fireground. It allows for an Explorer to observe, but not manning handlines, master streams, etc.

Junior programs tend to be a dept established program which establishes its own rules and also is responsible for its own insurance. Problem is too many such programs are not adequately supervised, or there are too many weak adults who can't say no to a kid. There are too many that believe that even exterior operations are not dangerous or even get more stupid, and allow juniors in or on a structure....a huge NO NO.

Personally I think going with an Explorer program through the LFL is the best way to go. There is much a kid can learn about the job, they can train and do fireground operations in a controlled environment, they just can't be utilized as FF's or on the fireground. The LFL provides insurance which the dept itself doesn't need to worry about, as long as they follow the rules.
Thanks for your imput, yes i am currently a Jr. with my current department that has asked me to be on the work group for requritment and retention and Jrs. I will bring up the learning for life program to the group.
thank you for your advice
You might want to try the googles and the internets:

This one is a google search page with links to various departments that run similar programs.

my personal opinion is that the minimum age to join an explorer/junior program should be 16. Younger than that is not going to accomplish much.

First of all, you have to be at least 18 to respond to the scene to be of any use. If someone joins at 16, then 2 years is a helluva long time to wait and not be able to jump in and do anything on scene. Go more than 2 years and it will be virtually impossible to keep them motivated and focused.

Maturity is another issue. Granted we have some adults who never quite developed it, but at 14 you do not have the education and life experiences to be training as a firefighter.

In order for explorer/junior programs to flourish, they need to be kept professional and well disciplined. You do not want it to become a cool club to goof around at the fire station. If someone at the age of 14 thinks that they might want to join the department, then they should use the next 2 years to prove themselves in school, sports and extracurricular activities. Get a base of knowledge, experience and deference to authority under your belt and then commit at 16. Then spend the next two years training and learning so that when you turn 18 you can become a fully functioning firefighter.

Also, programs like these need to be looked at fiscally. What does it cost in terms of dollars, equipment, time, wear & tear on that equipment to train, manage, supervise and oversee it? With departments struggling for funding the dollars need to be spent on pertinant equipment and personel.

Just my thoughts . . . and yes, we do have a junior program at our dept and I do think it is a wonderful idea and great to do. I just think that you should be at least 16 to do it.
my dept we start at 14yr old and thay are not allowed to do no medic or any radio stuff in till u are 16 then we allowed to do medic and talk on radio after we waz traned on them
I think the fact that a highlight for you is to be able to talk on the radio pretty much sums it all up.
Let's hope your radio transmissions, at least, are in plain english.
Thanks for all of your inputs and ill use them
Thanks Capt. for your input, the major con I have personally came up with that 14 yr are not fully mature, nor are 16 yr olds, but I personally want to keep the age at 16 now for liability issues and because bsa learning for life rules and regs would be hard to follow by the current 16-18yr old jrs.
Duz them lurn to spik unglish tu...? and if you are going to hold a rank (Officers) position then you should be able to spell it.....C A P T A I N.......
okay people come step in our shoes then start talking bad about us and we are supost to lookup to you guys but you critsize our every move.if you have a problem with us than why come to the jr firefighter discussion.also why i hold a rank is becuse i know more than than any other cadet and half of the people on my is thare any other bad remark you wont to put out ?
yeah, i'll go for it.
First: okay people come step in our shoes then start talking bad about us and we are supost to lookup to you guys but you critsize our every move.
Ok, if you can't take a little criticism, then you are not ready to be learning from anyone. Which leads me to believe you either don't really want to be a firefighter or you are not mature enough yet. Being critical of someone is a means of guidance (for some). Take it and learn from it by opening your mind.

Second: if you have a problem with us than why come to the jr firefighter discussion.
Well, you are posting in a public forum which can be read by anyone who so wishes to venture in. And some may want to try to help those that want it. Others come in for a laugh at the young bucks who believe they already know their stuff.

Third: also why i hold a rank is becuse i know more than than any other cadet and half of the people on my dept.
That's just arrogant garbage from my viewpoint. I have no problem with someone being confident in what they know, but when they start saying that they know more than half the people in the dept. when they are the ripe old age of 16, then there are serious issues going on there. So are you saying that you are so good and you have so much experience that you outclass everyone, sorry, half of your department, or are you sayng that your department is not very well trained? Either way, you're shedding bad light onto your dept.

so is thare any other bad remark you wont to put out ?
Does this mean you think you have proven a point or something? I think it would be wise to learn some manners and respect. You may want to spend a little more time with your grammar homework as well.
i wont to learn but you dont learn by critcism all the time.if we need grammer homework then why dont you help dept is a great dept thay just anit book smart sometimes and i not saying that my chief say im smarter than most of them.also most of the fire fighters on my dept wouled pick me to go in with them than a probie (never will happen as long as im a cadet).sorry im not trying to be rude or anything it gust i have been on this site for a year and that all i got is bad comment or something that make fun of me or my job.

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