OLIVER, B.C. - Every member of the Oliver, B.C., fire department has agreed to accept a two week suspension as punishment for the removal of six beer kegs from a burning hotel.

Oliver Mayor Pat Hampson confirms the suspensions will be served by each member of the volunteer fire department.

Some of Oliver's nearly three dozen firefighters weren't even in the southern Okanagan community when the May 23 blaze destroyed the Mesa Hotel.

But Hampson says all the members have agreed to the suspensions as payback for removal of the beer - and the tapping of at least two of the kegs at the local firehall.

Hampson says the suspensions will be served in rotation, to ensure the community has adequate fire protection.

The firefighters who removed the kegs later paid the hotel owners for the beer but RCMP are still investigating and have not yet said if charges are likely. (CKQQ)

Canadian Firefighters Admit to Fireground Beer Theft

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Could this incident be classified as alcohol abuse?

Did they spill it?
Spill it? Good god man, we're talking Canadians here.
Sorry but that was dumb, poor judgement on the Volunteers part. I think there will not be a next time lets hope.
FOOLS....this was the MOST politically incorrect crime of the year....firefighters from the WINE GROWING CAPITAL OF CANADA accused of stealing BEER !!!????? DUH....no wonder Mayor and Councillors so upset !!! :-)
Wine growing? Does one plant the cork up or down?
Now there's an oxymoron, "Canadian Wine." It's like saying french pizza or english cuisine.
While the incident itself is rather serious, the comments here are crackin' me up.

And now I find I need to go rent Pirates of the Caribbean just to keep the mood going.
Don't rent it. Steal it!
WB? What am I, WestBilly now?
So far these guys are getting off easy. I'll be interested to see what charges the RCMP brings.
Gives new meaning to "tapping out the fire."

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