What is the Oldest Fire Apparatus You Have In Service In Your Department?

In the department I belong, we have a 29 year old American LaFrance Ladder Truck. You would never know that by looking at it, and it is still in great machanical shape as well.

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I'm referring to Calcutta's Tower 33 that Don Vuletic has posted. They bought it from Chester VFD.
That's one truck I've always liked, those old Loadstars. That one still looks pretty good for a parade fixer-upper. What year it she?
Hey Lee, Thanks for getting back, know I understand. Your old
truck with a differant name on it. Be safe out there Brother.
Actually, I'm on a different department. There are 2 departments that cover our community. Chester covers the area within city limits, while the one I'm with, Lawrenceville, covers the outlying areas. Over the years the two departments have developed somewhat of a friendly rivalry.
OK, now I understand, Thanks Lee, Be safe Brother.
Man after reading all these I see we aren't as bad off as some dept. out there. Our oldest active truck in 18 yrs old.
Now that's a NICE truck
We have a 1954 American LaFrance 75' Mid Mount Ladder Truck still in service. We just won a trophy for oldest in service. (not for long i hope)
I agree with Dave. It looks like a Century series, I think that puts in the mid 70's. But what does it matter it is an ALF, I have always liked ALF.
Hey Robert, Thanks for joining us in the discussion. Do you have any pictures of
your Jim Beam you can share with us. I don't beleive I have ever seen one.
Until next time, be well, and stay safe Brother.
Hey Bill, Thanks for responding to the discussion. Your right, you aren't that bad
off. I myself would rather have some of the older trucks out there. I think they hold
up better then some of the newer ones. The only problem is having to find the parts
when you need them. Again, Thanks, and be safe out there Brother.
Hey Bob, Thanks for responding to the discussion. I can't say that I have ever seen
a 1954 American LaFrance that looked so modern for it's age. Has this truck been
up dated ?? From what I have seen in the past, most had open cabs, and running boards.
Thanks again, and stay safe Brother.

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