What is the Oldest Fire Apparatus You Have In Service In Your Department?

In the department I belong, we have a 29 year old American LaFrance Ladder Truck. You would never know that by looking at it, and it is still in great machanical shape as well.

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Hey Patrick, Thanks for responding to the discussion.
Sorry to hear about your Osh Kosh, hopefully it is due for
replacement soon. Thanks again, and be safe out there Brother.
Hey Chief Tim, Thanks for responding to the discussion.
I'm sure the International has seen many of calls in it's days.
What type of Tower are you puting into service ??? Hope to hear
back from you, until then, be well, and stay safe Brother.

Here this is a better pic of the 74 Ford F-600
Hey Shane, Thanks again for responding to the discussion, and for
the new picture of your '74 Ford. It looks great. It sure dose bring back
memories of the one I use to have. Thanks again for sharing this with us.
Stay well, and be safe out there Brother.
HEEEEYYYYY, I recognize THAT one!:)
Nice old Ford. What state are you in? I pass through New Florence, Pennsylvania on my way to hunting camp, so you had me curious.
Hey Lee, Which one are you taking about ????
We have 2 oldies

1982 Seagraves Pumper is our 3rd out engine.

1985 Seagraves Quint with a 75' ladder and waterway. This is our 4th engine out or when we need a ladder truck.
Hey Aaron, Thanks for responding to the discussion.
Do you have any pictures of your trucks that you can share
with us. I use to drive a 1982 Seagrave 100' aerial many years ago.
It was a great truck. Again, if you have any pic's you can share, we would
like to see them. Until then, Besafe out there Brother.
The oldest piece that is still inservice for my department is a 1976 Dodge Power Wagon (see profile pic). It is totally custom (the only one in the world). It used to be an Attack Truck but they foolisly converited it in to a Brush. But the oldest picece we have is an old hose cart from when is unknown it's probably from the late1800's right after being a bucket brigade
Hey Shane, Thanks for responding to the discussion.
Do you have any pictures of your 1943 Seagrave ?? I can't say
that I have ever seen one. If you do,would you please post it here
so others can view it as well. Thanks again, and stay safe out there Brother.
Hey Brush, or should I call you Sparky, Thanks for respondinf to the discussion.
The 1976 Dodge Power Wagon looks great. It sure dosen't look 33 years old. I see
you must take good care of it. Thanks again, and stay safe out there Brother.

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