We are a rural volunteer department, with 24 members. While shuttling water to the scene, the valves and dumps often freeze up during harsh Wisconsin winters. I was just wondering if anyone knows of anything, that's not too expensive since we are on a tight budget, that we can spray on or apply to our valves, dumps, doors to keep them from freezing up between filling and dumping? Any help is appreciated.


Casco Fire Dept

Casco, Wisconsin

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The problem there is the advice was wrong. The advice given has no application nor solution for the problem in question. That is why I also gave information on what Josh actually suggested and what it really is. That is part of learning, to realize when you are wrong.
pam works or any spary lub for your dump valves on you tankers. cold weather sucks theres just no getting around it
Nylon balls, and seals really don't like heat.
I don't know a cost or how well it would work since I can't get a good mental picture of the problem areas but have you thought of 12v heat tape? It is similar to the 120v that you can get for your home pipes...
Totally forgot to answer here about how we keep our pumps from freezing.

Here´s photo how pumps are rear mounted in closed cabins. Heated cabins.
Very low temperatures, pump operator can close the lid and warm air stays better inside.

Water in hoses, under pressure in not easy to freeze, and running water wont freeze. Just keep constant flow throug nozzles, hopefully no iced hoses and nozzles.

Water consumtion rises on scene, but i think it´s better to have water than ice cubes ;)
for the freezing part a spray bottle of alcohol generally works for me and the valves white litheum spray and work them daily
Yes Josh it may...but it also may ruin a pump in the process...is it worth the risk...? Hell just move to a warmer climate...that would solve the problem I think....LOL
Umm, Carl? What is his name? Finn Volunteer...

Finland - a pretty cold part of the world in its winter I think :)
Very inteligent design! Jeep the pumps warm and comfortable; and the pump operator can have warm hands too...

Oh, take those zero's off your temperatures and that sounds more like us :-)
Cabin lid gives pump operator nice roofcover for rain, sun, snow etc. bad weather.

Ankward to speak about winter and below zero temperatures, It´s summer in here and two weeks ago had first heatwawe (28 -30˚C ) which ended in heavy thunderstorms.
I didn't think about the cabin lid providing protection from the sun! Very nice.

28-30 is great temperature. I'm quite happy when it's about that temp in summer here. In our summer, a thunderstorm usually turns out to be dry, no rain at all. They often start wildfires.

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