How do you see them in the line of fire? What are your opinions and veiws?

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Male/female as long as your qualified and do your job well thats all that counts.
Is o.k. in my book just like many already said, "As long as they train and are able to do the job as required then Male or Female it doesn't matter.

Be Trainable and Stay Safe out there,
i like workin with female firefighters as much as male firefighters. all get the job done. well got go home... plus women in turnout gear is really sexy
All firefighting is, is confidence! Any women can perform this job if she believes she can and trains for it. Since I have been in the fire service it has been my life and I want nothing more than to be in it forever. People are right when they say women have limited upper body strength compared to men, it is just how we are built however we have stronger thigh and leg muscles. Where men lack, women gain and vise versa” I will admit I have met some women I don’t believe should be here but then again I have met some men too… There is a job for everyone on the fire scene and I think women have the right to run in with the men if they have earned that right with the same and proper training. By the way my name is Fee, I just joined…
Lord have mercy! whats with the turn out gear being sexy? I keep meeting women and men who think thats the sexiest thing and man I don't see it... The turn out gear makes you look so much bigger than you are and takes away all curves.... lol
According to King: "plus women in turnout gear is really sexy"
Hmmm. I've always thought women OUT of turnout gear was "really sexy", but I'm probably a little odd in that regard.

You get a B for psychology, but an F for biology. Confidence is, in fact, extremely important in firefighting. You do have to believe in yourself and you do have to train, but you also need the physical, intellectual, and emotional ability to go with it. If you're not strong enough in any of those areas, you're not gonna make it, and all the confidence in the world won't change it.

Also, men surpass women in upper and lower body strength. The disparity is simply not quite as glaring when it comes to lower body vs. upper body strength.
Hmmm are we challenging each other already? Dang this could be a good friendship lol Actully though I disagree about the confidence part if you are confident in yourself then you are strong with yourself and different aspects as well. Confidence in this field can mean an array of things. When you pull up to a scene that you know is stressful (such as dead body’s everywhere, kid trapped or so forth) it’s the confidence that has to kick in to make you strong enough to handle it. It’s the I can do this and handle this that makes our world turn or just plain insanity brought to life but either or it’s yourself that determines if you can handle it.
As for upper and lower body actually I am a bit more right then ya think. I was a fitness trainer for a long time and trained men and women on how this stuff really works; my schooling tells me I am right. As for physically, any healthy person can train and become stronger there for it doesn’t matter gender hell I never though I could do pull ups but I can now 
I must go I have work to do but I am sure we will finish this later...
good day:-)
I don't know but on the other side of things I guess I am so use to seeing men in turn out gear so it just doesn't catch my attention.... I know all my friends thinks it's hot but man I just don't see it. Give me a pair of jeans or board shorts and a t-shirt anyday and I am good... smiles are sexy too
Our department has many different things that need to be done on each call, so ANY firefighter that can't do any kind of task always has a task to do. If a firefighter doesn't want to do a given task, or if the officer decides to give you a task, you do what you can. The expectations are there so that if you choose to get on the truck, you are capable to do the tasks that may arise at that call.
Couldn't have said it better if I tried Mark! I have always said, we all look the same in turnouts...
Knowledge is the basis for self-confidence. Without knowledge, your self-confidence will be misplaced and though you may have it, it could produce the wrong outcome if you don't have the answer.
"It's yourself that determines if you can handle it" is a cavalier statement. There are certain chemical phenomenons that occur during fire that produce physiological changes in "yourself".
When events such as sudden wind velocity occur, it changes the entire incident and yourself has to be ready to react to it.
Again; it's knowledge that will win the day. I know people who have self confidence that know very little about firefighting. Talk is cheap.

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