Our District just received a $ 51,000.oo grant, where about 40K will be dedicated to new extracation equipment. We are currently using Hurst and are overall pleased but open to suggestions. I would love to hear pros and cons on other manufacturers and experiences, both good and bad. Tip, tricks and "cant live without it" tool ideas are all welcome.
As always, Stay Safe!
Our department switched from Hurst to Holmatro.....I gotta say that Holmatros are awesome pieces of gear. They're lighter, stronger, easier to connect and disconnect from pressure lines and the power plant has always started on first pull without fail.
Our team here in philippine red cross we have two set of AMKUS spreader,cutter and RAM...they are my favorite rescue tools i use to save lives in times of need.
More and more now, Holmatro seem to be winning the tenders hands down. I'm assuming on price as I've been told in terms of specifications, Lukas in particular are pretty much on a par with Holmatro. I haven't done the comparisons, so don't know.
I used to work with Holmatro (teaching, servicing tools, etc)- you've got a big task to convert me away from 'em!!!