I'm 43 yrs old, overweight and out of shape. The fire dept. that I am an exploer post associate adviser for has asked me to join. They say I would be a great addision to the dept. With my 21 yrs as a truck driver with tanker endorsment I would be the ideal person for a tanker driver. It's something I have always wanted, but I'm not sure  what to do considering my age and shape.

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For the record, I don't think of a vollie dept. as a health club. I fully intend on shaping up before I join. As I stated earlier I could not deal with causing an injury or death do to my lack of ability.
I want to be the best I can be, I have the drive to do this. I know it wont be easy, but I have to get in shape not only to be a firefighter but for me and my family. This is something I have long desired, and feel I am being given an opportunity to do this. Getting in shape is my first priority, then I will work on the rest. I say all of this hoping that I was not misunderstood, I hope people did not get the impression that I thought that I could just start on a department without some physical improvements first.
Firefighting is one of, if not the most rewarding choice a man or woman could make.
If you feel strongly pulled in this direction than I would suggest starting a physical fitness program to improve your health and join the department that has invited you. (Kudos to you for being invited, this speaks very well of you already)
I would like to state that water supply is a demanding and highly important position. Even though you may be looked at as "only" the tanker driver you still need to be first and foremost a skilled firefighter. Murphy is always present in the fire service and there will come the day that the tones drop and you are one of the only few that show up so you will have to assume a role other than shuttling water. At your age you are bringing a bunch of real world experience that many of the younger members don't have so train hard and then train again, keep your eyes and ears open and you'll get as much if not more back than you give to your community.
Good luck and let us know how it goes.

I never said that you thought a volunteer fire department was a health club, only that I thought that others seemed to think that it was.

"...I hope people did not get the impression that I thought that I could just start on a department without some physical improvements first." That's exactly what many in here thought, hence the reason so many told you to "go for it" , "follow your dream" and then think about getting in shape "if you think you need to". Smacks of social club-ism to me.

You have the right idea, get into shape first and then join, you'll be doing yourself and your department a huge favor (and your family too).

To those that told ED to "go for it" despite his upfront admission of being "43 yrs old, overweight and out of shape." So you're willing to bet his life are you?
I was 40 when I joined our department . I have taken most of the classes needed for a paid fire fighter . I am very involved in many areas . I am not in the best shape and have back problems. They accept this and know if I say I do not feel like doing something , it is because I do not want to risk it. I can drive a truck which frees up a younger person to fight the fire. Don't get me wrong, I am very active . I have the best Chief in the world . He believed in me since the beginning. I quess what I am saying is go for it . You can help . It is hard to find good volunteers . Have fun. You may get in shape with out knowing it . Good luck and God Bless .
Jack, didn't mean it to sound like you meant it for me, I just thought I would clarify it incase anyone thought that was what I was thinking.
I'm 69 years old and serving in a limited duty role now, but I joined when I was 65, passed live fire training and became a firefighter/emt at that time, served in a full capacity for 4 years. Spend some time exercising to get fit again, and get 'er done.
I'm the Chief with a small town volunteer department and if it wasnt for older guys we couldnt get our trucks to some fires. During the days we are known as the Cardiac Crew due to the fact that most of us have had Heart Attacks. If your able to suit up and hold a hose your needed, You dont have to fight fires from inside buildings all the time, I'm 52 and I still suit up and make interior attacks when I need to, I'm not going to ask anyone on my department to do anything I wont do and I'll just about bet the Chief on the mentioned department wont ask you to do anything you dont feel you can do. Older men are just as useful as younger ones, I have 4 over 60 and I'm 52 and we can still make calls at 2 in the morning, get paged, go get the truck and drive 1 mile to the scene and do it in less than 7 min. We have alot of nite runs with less than 10 min response times, so go for it, your needed.
just an update, it's been a week and a half and I have cut down to one soda a week, cut out the junk and been working out and going on walks. Lost 5lbs so far. Got a long way to go, feeling pretty good.
Keep working at it. Cut back some on the carbs and do you really need even one soda? Better off just drinking water. Good luck with it, it ain't easy but it's definitely worth your while. After all, we're nearly into thong season.
If you can pull my ass out of a building if I go down then giver buddy!!!!There are lots of guys in the service that aren't exactly iron man material but many hands make light work so you should be ok.But you are the one who has to sit and think that if my partner goes down can i get him out or do I have to hope the R.I.t team can get to us so they can do it for me?
I'll have to buy a new one, I can't find the one I had last year.
Sounds like they are asking him about driving.

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