What is the best Song to drive to a Call?

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How about none....instead of worrying about what tunes you will listen to how about paying attention to the road and the others out there.....maybe listen to your radio or pager for any updates.......Paul
What a novel idea Paul , act like a professional in the cab of a responding apparatus. Now that's thinking outside the box huh?
Sing Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" on your portable while calling MAYDAY!
Too much "Backdraft". It's a movie dude.
so see it theoretical "What song would you like to hear, if you can?"

This was from the OP on page 2......yes, when responding you shouldn't have music going, but this is seeminly a hypothetical question....and my take is it is meant to be in good fun.

You are correct. It probably didn't begin as a theoretical question, but after a little gentle prodding from some of the members, the OP kinda got the message and switched to theoretical mode.
We play a game called SCREAM, instead of playing music.

Once the truck starts rolling, you're not allowed to touch the brakes. The only thing you and the crew can do is scream, regardless of how fast you're going. Teaches the driver to handle the truck better and makes for some good arse puckering times as well!!!!

In theory that is.....
Ya its called " Scene Size Up". You need to concentrate on the task ahead and the saftey of your team and the public. You can celebrate on the way back to the barn after a good run. I like good music as much as the next but it all comes down to SAFTEY FIRST.
Some people insist on not reading thoroughly...I guess it works for them.
the old saying was 'the only stupid question is the one not asked'. Well, you asked it and you're not getting the answers you wanted. Ask questions that educate yourself and the rest of us. The replies here indicate you have enough on your mind to not be distracted by 'which song to play'. Just hope for your family no one gets run over by the apparatus because the driver is changing songs. You have time to celebrate after the call.
We don't have regular radios in our engines/tankers do have them in our smaller trucks though-brush and utility-but thats because they are chassis that we bought and built the rest of the truck ourselves.Me personally....would not want to be "groovin"while responding....there is only one radio to listen to....and I have to get myself ready too....scba-fire.......car wreck....gloves,portable,safety glasses etc..........I just have to much to do to worry about whats playin.....plus--I like rock someone else likes country......you get the picture....and we wonder why we have accidents and lawsuits...I also turn down my pov radio (and turn the pager off) so that I can hear my mobile radio
Lutan ... theory, schmeory!! I like the SCREAM idea! Would make for an interesting time ... especially for the folks in the vehicles around you as you go barreling by and all they hear are the siren and screams coming out of the truck!! Talk about some puckering going on!!

Oh, and just so nobody mistakes my response ... I am kidding!! Like westphilly and jack/dt point out - this became "theoretical" some time back and there are some really great responses - like SCREAM.

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