Greetings there Brothers and Sisters

I have only been to Allentown 1 time in my life and that was for there Fire Dept. Spring Thaw where they have everything and anything a fire apparatus model builder could imagine. I was wondering if any of you all out there are aware of it and does anyone know when this years show will take place. Im going to try and get some of my pic's up here for you all to see soon. I have built some fire engines but really enjoy building old ambulances. does anyone else out there build ambo's too or is this only for fire truck builders. If I get or you know of the date for Allentown please let us know. Thank you, BB

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Hi BB,
Welcome to the group. Unfortunately there has not been much activity here lately, but hopefully that will change.

I am a member of a club here in New Zealand called the Triple One Club (111 being our emergency telephone number). It incorporates all the emergency services and many of the members build models which of course include police cars and ambulances as well as fire apparatus. I say go for it Robert, and anyway from what I've seen, it appears many ambulance paramedics in the US are operated by fire depts.

Looking forward to seeing your pictures.


Hello Gary, Thanks for the encouragement and I will keep building coach style ambo's. Great chatting with you brother, and thanks again. BB

This is the web page calendar event for this weekend in Atown. I'm from there, and had NO CLUE they even had such a thing. What do they have at this things? vendors? or is is memorabilia and random fire fighting things? like antiques?


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