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I'm a Truckie wtf am I doing ridin the pipe!
My feet wouldn't hurt so bad if I was wearing Black Diamond boots, Ya think.
I really should have gone to the bathroom when I had the chance.
I wonder if I could ever get my picture on FFN and be the talk of the discussion boards.
"So that's what the front of the truck looks like."
I heard real firefighters used to ride the back step to the fire.
What have I got, what am I doing and what do I need?
Station10Capt106 do you realize how you set yourself up for some one taking your pic of a time you will want to forget ever happened? But ya know the only reason they bust your balls is because you have them.
"I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts" ... delusional of course, but when one gets bored, oh well!

Actually, what I was thinking was "Oh God, here comes some dude with a camera. Just stand still and try not to look stupid." LOL. It was a run for a report of smoke or fire in a multiple dwelling. It sounded like nonsense as we were rolling in but I was assigned the nozzle. Some members walked over to take a peek at what was going on but I decided that I'd better stay on the back step in the unlikely case that they called for a line. That left me alone by the rig when this local photographer who likes to take neighborhood shots pops into the street and points his camera at me. Being a junior guy and knowing that I'll get my chops broken if they find this picture, I froze like a dear in headlights and prayed just to not look stupid, LOL.

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