They come here with their shattered dreams. Someone looked at them the wrong way. They don't feel "accepted". They are fearful that others plot to make them feel insecure. They need sympathy, because sympathy feels like support. And that's the males.
The females can set new post count records if they can interweave a guy hitting on them at the fire station and another female at the station who spreads "rumors" about her. Solid gold, no doubt.
So, a post appears and voila; replies that doesn't lend to the sympathy are deleted from the thread by the thread starter.
Well; I will no longer participate in a thread where the poster is shaping public opinion to 100 percent in their favor.
If you can't take the good with the bad, the negatives and positives and have no more respect for the people who take the time to respond than to delete their reply, then you weren't cut out for this business. Cash out and go home. The rest of us will carry on.

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Yup, I'm there as well!
What would be cool is if there was a software program that keyed on key words like "paid vs. volunteer" or "why women in the fire service is looked down on" or any thread with "color" in it and it goes straight to the inbox of the WebTeam.
And you're right, Kali; some of these folks are like spammers. They vent and pull it back down before it gets reported or whatever.
It's better than it was. No doubt.
But, it is frustrating.
It's as if they can take the one that they are trying to prove something to and say, "See; EVERYONE agrees with me".
Of course, they had to delete you, me, jack and a few others to get to everyone agreeing with them.
It's pathetic, really.
I guess some need to grow up and the grown ups need to act like it, but it's almost as if we are pulled DOWN to that level. Of course, I never did want to grow up. Growing up is growing old. No thanks.
Gee; I hope this thread doesn't get deleted.
It won't be by me.
Roger that.
They need to go to Facebook with that crap. Oh wait; they probably do that too.
What I have seen is that those kind of threads sucks the life out of a good discussion thread and like Kali said, some won't even bother with a GOOD discussion anymore because of all of the "poor me" crap.
I was a chief for 14 years. My sisters used to dress me up like a girl. I KNOW all about the injustices that women and chiefs face in the fire service.
Wait; did I just say that out loud?
I agree
I'll add a second AMEN!

If you want to participate here then please, please, please be mature and man-up. Disagreements are the key ingrediant in learning. Don't take things personally and be willing to admit if you are wrong, if you do that than I can guarentee that you will gain a lot more respect here then trying to back peddle and delete posts.

I don't mind the frivilous posts, as I know I have the option to read and respond if I so choose. But I do have a problem with people deleting posts and replies. If I take the time to respond to something I expect that the poster will grant me the same respect and leave the thread there.
Art you might need to clarify your statement. They dressed you as a girl while Chief?!? Wait I think there's a thread for that...

I agree with your statement. It is not just in the Fire Service but also the 'real world' where others will have opinions that differ from yours. The fact is those who delete posts and comments need to learn to deal with criticism and critique, because it will happen.
I was a wee lad when my sisters were dressing me up. Realize that I was fighting off SEVEN sisters; no brothers.
My only friend growing up was imaginery. No pets; only stuffed animals. Walked five miles in the snow to school.
Got coal instead of candy when I trick or treated. We shot what we ate and Mom would sew the pelts into blankets and doilies. We had to push the car to get it started.
Do you feel me yet?
I didn't dress up as a girl when I was chief, but I DO know a certain chief from nearby who did. He was breathtaking in a pink chiffon evening gown. But, that's another story.
You're right.
I tell ya; it's been tough trying to get a discussion started.
You blog, you comment, you cajole, you bump, you do everything you can and you can only watch as the count goes up on the word association game.
Oh well; golf season is just around the corner.
Maybe I'll take the entire summer off from here.
"What would be cool is if there..."

I'll tell you what I learned this week... Be very careful how you use the word cool. I noted that I thought it was cool to have a camera that was small enough and compact enough to be mounted on your helmet. I would have loved to have one for so many calls...

I noted that having the camera was cool. Not the right word to use apparently because the discussion topic had the word fatal in it, which of course I didn't quite put two and two together, watching a video that I thought was a training video... never saw any indication of anyone who had died... just a firefighter jumping out of a window and sliding down a ladder, apparently the wrong way... and did I get slammed for being insensitive about using the word cool. Like I think it's cool to have anyone injured? Geez...

And for the record, I am convinced that the WN and his elves have a program that does word searches in the news. Anytime the word fire comes up, wham... there's a posted discussion about some incident, anywhere USA that has to do with the fire service, and all more than likely automated... that's not cool.

Recently "Josh" started two separate forums slamming paid firefighters for supposedly putting their paycheck above their brothers lives by not attending training (he claimed) and then deleted them with NO repercussions when he was called out for it

Your right Kali, and I was pretty miffed that the time and considerations I tried to convey were just arbitrarily tossed and thread deleted. When Josh was asking his question, he seemed to be under the impression training was the issue at hand, but didn't seem to take into consideration staffing and so forth. There is much more to running a scene than just training, and training while important, is not the only factor to consider. I tried to convey that to not only Josh, but other people as well, that one can train and train and train on the same thing over and over, but the REAL thing will always throw a curve.

So when that thread was deleted, I didn't really hold back my opinions on his second thread and I came back later to see, as I assumed, that thread would also be deleted. There is more to a question asked than just the opinions one wants to hear....after all that too is part of a learning process.
On a brighter note, these posters are learning a valuable (albeit tough-love) lesson: Express your thoughts publicly (website or fire house) and you had better be able to defend them and yourself. Simply because someone is a "firefighter" in no way relieves them of their responsibility to make (and defend) cogent arguments.

If one is offended/hurt/insulted/demeaned/diminished or their self-esteem is deflated...TFB. We're adults here (mostly, but should be exclusively) and therefor whining about your problems, bringing them in here and then taking your ball and going home when you don't garner the support you had hoped for only proves to most of us that neither this site nor this profession is the best choice for you.

I suggest a "career" where you get lots of daily hugs, warm milk, afternoon naps and every task you are assigned -completed or not- wins you a smiley face sticker and a gold star. And a website where everyone gets to approve of everything you've said/written. I might further suggest looking up the psychological definition of narcissist.

Art; Which is better, Callaway or Ping? Titleist or Nike? Who's got the lowest handicap? Your choice of golf cart? What's your favorite type of golf shoe?
[quote]Art; Which is better, Callaway or Ping? Titleist or Nike? Who's got the lowest handicap? Your choice of golf cart? What's your favorite type of golf shoe?[end of quote]
Jack: IMHO; of the two, Callaway makes better golf clubs and golf balls. I prefer King Cobra irons, Nickent fairway woods, Nicklaus Driver and 3-wood. Golf ball is Srixon.
I believe that Titleist is better than Nike on the golf ball issue. However; Nike has better clubs.
I have the lowest handicap between me and my buddy Tyke. I am a 20. He is about 28.
My golf cart is a Club Car Precedent. I like the rounded corners.
I have 5 pair of golf shoes. My favorite pair is Addidas PowerBand. I also have a pair of Addidas classic; a pair by Ecco and two pair by Footjoy. Color are gray/blue, white/black saddle, white, brown and black. You have to coordinate shoe color with clothing, of course.
How about you, Jack?

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