Hello to all..A local dept near by, in Glasgow West Virginia, just lost a fireman, while trying to perform a water rescue. As best we can tell, he is perished, but no body has been recovered, only a PFD and dry suit. So the fire marchalls office, has switched the status from rescue, to recovery. So, please keep his family and friends in your toughts and prayers. And if/when a body is recovered, i will inform you all.. He was 32 years of age,was marries, and had 2 young children. Thanks to all, and stay safe brothers and sisters!!!!


Jacob Cooper

Tyler Mountain Volunteer Fire Department

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My prayers are with his family, and his department.
My prayers are with you guys.
We'll be thinking of you guys and his family.
The part of this story that has made FF Donny Adkins a "HERO" in my eyes is that he had just lost his job on Friday, March 12th and was out that night assisting in the rescue of nearly a dozen people that needed help. My thoughts, prayers and sympathy go out to his family, friends, department and his community. That have lost a great individual!
Yes we have.. I knew him personally, and it sounds like you did to. It truly is a shame, but he did save a dozeb or more lives, as you said
God bless him and his family.
My prayers are with the family and the fire dept. I am hoping his loss was not in vain. You know what I mean.
I am not one to start making accusations or other wise. I can't stand that stuff. The family and brother firefighters
have gone through enough emotional trauma.
I fully understgand, it is a very rough time
Well, earlier today, firefighter Donny Adkins's body was recovered.. At this time, can everyone mourn but also celebrate the life of FIREFIGHTER DONNY ADKINS, a true here!!! We love you and your family dear brother. May you rest at ease, with your soul on angels wings.

Firefighter Donny Adkins- IN Service Permatly 3/19/2010
Our prayers are with both of Donnie's families.
Please keep us updated. My thoughts and prayers and that of my prayer group are with his family, department and friends.
Sorry, I wish I could say I knew Donny, but I didn't. I just have a soft heart for all my fellow fire family members. This, to me, wasn't just a loss for his community but a loss for everyone in the fire service. Please let us in the Eastern Panhandle know when the services will be scheduled. Thank you so much and may God watch over you all.


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