Hello Everyone,


I read a article the other day on Yahoo that really got my blood pressure goin. Basically what happened was an elderly man was having abdominal pain. He called for an ambulance, dispatch advised that due to large amounts of snow it might be a little while. The elderly man was calm and was ok with it. After 30 hours later and 10 calls to the dispatch,  the elderly man dies. Comes to find out the ambulance crews were about a quater mile from the residence and refused to walk in the snow to assist the man, and ambulance crews wanted the man to walk to them. The man refused due to his pain level. Here is a link to the story http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,587627,00.html

Now I read it and I thought it was bull****. We are there to serve the community when they need us, I believe that no matter what conditions are present we have a job to due. When there is a person who gets hurt on a quad in the woods and calls for us we don't make them walk to us. We get all the stuff we believe we need and get them, end of story. Its a huge liability to let someone die especially when we would refuse to walk a little in the cold weather. I have been part of calls where we need to do some walking just to reach the incident, and to me thats no problem at all. If it helps someone live or resolves the problem that is 100% fine by me. Now I don't know the full details on the ambulance crews side but if what was stated in the article really happened that way and thats all, then that is wrong and their certs should be pulled. I strongly urge to read and would like your opinion. If you were part of the ambulance crew and their is more details or know any details please post, I would like to know.


Thanks for reading and posting back.

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I agree completely!!!!!!! I personally believe do what ever it takes to get there. I have stolen private property to get threw the snow. Granted it was a motorgrader, I had a key, and I know the owner. But still take off walkin or call out the fd and have them help break the road out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If its not the fire department, its ems not responding. What wrong with these people are they professionals or just t-shirt wearer. This is the job you chose to do. Do it to the best of your ability. We are supposed to be helping people that why they call us.
I read and thought the exact same. I read it on Firerescue1.com. How do you sit there and say I'm not going out cause its cold. What a crock of crap.
This Pisses Me Off!!! WTF where they thinking? This absolutely disgusts me to no end,both as a volunteer ff/emt and as a former Paid EMT.I HOPE HEADS ROLL for this!!!!!! -Patient Abandonment Anyone?-
Also how do the operators not pass on the information when the shifts change? Each call treated as a new incident? I'm guessing someone is not going to continue in this career field for much longer
Tell them to walk to me , since when is this an acceptable standard of care. Get a job that lets you stay indoors if your allergic to weather
Ya I agree, My blood pressure goes up everytime I think of the laziness. Someone lost their life because of this and I would get alot of F***in money for this one. I can't believe it!!!!!
Allergic to weather.... Thats hilarious LOL LOL LOL LOL
"It took firefighters two minutes from being dispatched to reach the couple's home. They checked for a pulse, but it was too late."

This is why privately owned ambulance companies should not be the sole emergency response agency. When you call 9-1-1, and IF they notify the fire department, we WILL arrive on scene as fast as possible. Having a bridge out and too much snow would not stop a firefighter. We don't give up, ever.

Just another example of why fire based EMS is the way to go. We actually care about the people we serve, regardless of volunteer or full time. What a shame and how embarrassing for the dispatch center and the ambulance service.

Ya that is really scary to hear alot of mistakes on everyones part. I understand they had alot going on but ten different calls and still information was forgotten. Thats scary, I will make sure to drive around this city so I am not forced to walk to them if I get into an accident. LOL
Lol thats awesome!!!!!! LOL I need me a motorgrader key!!!

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