I bought a can of this stuff at WalMart last year, and have it in my kitchen. It's a world of difference from a conventional fire extinguisher, a one-time-use..and sprays like an aerosol can. When the weather warms up I'l like to set a fire and see how it does...but as of now have to trust the statement on the can. Here's a nifty little graph.



And a news piece from somewhere....



Has anyone used this? Has anyone seen a legitimate study or trial on this? If it works decent, you can get it at Wal Mart for $15...not a bad price for something that lasts 2 or 3 years. And not a bad price for it, you could have a can in the car, a few in the house. I'm thinking about getting one for the car as well. Again, just wondering if anyone's ever used it or knows more about it than me.


***I have in no way, shape, or form any financial stake in this product. If this looks like a subversive advertisement, that is in no way my intent***

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I watched the video clip and the fires used were quite small, fine if you have something right next to you, but a fire can definately increase if looking for one of these.

I worked for a fire extinguisher vendor in the past and the concern to me here is there is no gauge, there is no way of knowing if the product is still good after a period of time, there is no way to know if the agent is susceptible to heat, cold, moisture, etc. A standard ABC extinguisher uses a dry powder where heat, cold, etc doesn't matter. Turning a dry chem a couple times a year keeps the powder loose and as long as the pressure is good, it will still work. Hard to see if this stuff maintains or gauge if it is still effective, a fire is not a good time to find out it doesn't.

So my take, I would rather spend a little extra on a decent fire extinguisher (dry chem) and not the plastic model type of ABC. This may work, but I don't like the lack of gauge or really knowing how effective it would be.
I'm with you John. My other job is as a Fire Extinguisher Service Technician, and I've hated these things for exactly the reasons you mentioned above. Not to mention it comes with a Class C rating!!!!???? I highly recommend against puting a foam agent on an electrical fire regardless of what the label might say. Stay safe everyone!
It's a great gimmick, but a large box of baking soda will do pretty much the same thing. And for the price you can buy a dozen boxes of soda!
Yep Reg, baking soda would work, the issue is there is no way to attack from a distance.
Using Baking Soda and a coffee can, kids can make a Fire Pail
to have on hand in the event of a small kitchen fire. To make a Fire
Pail, request a label with instructions by sending a self-addressed,
stamped envelope to ARM & HAMMER® Fire Pail Brochures, PO Box
7468, Princeton, NJ 08543.

ARM & HAMMER actually has some good fire safety content on their web site....
Those are very good points, none of which I've thought of.
Your right, John. The soda does have a limited range. But what is the effective range of Tundra? Still, at $15, you could get a BUCKET of soda!

I guess my point is that if it's not an actual extinguisher, save your money.


I got ya there Reg.

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