My county is about to finish removing all the front-line E-Ones and replacing them with Pierces. What are your opinions on the two manufacturers? All of the new rigs are Velocities with the One-Eleven mirrors, I personally can't stand the mirrors, but otherwise I feel that its a pretty good rig.


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The problem with such posts is that you get induated with personal opinion, of which it really doesn't matter. Are the personal opinions given here really going to change the mind of the county to go Pierce? Like everything else there are pros and cons and comes down to personal opinion. I would suggest clicking on the "search firefighter nation" tab at the very top right corner of the screen, there have been numerous discussions on this already.
Do you have pictures for comparision? That might help and do you know the county's reason for replacing them? Perhaps they got a better deal from Pierce than they did from E-One. I've seen some sharp E-Ones and I have seen some sharp Pierces it pretty well comes down to how well they are maintained and how well they are set up. Personally I like top-mount pump panels and caterpillar engines but again that's just my personal preferance that's all. I'm not much into this make vs that make as long as they get the fire out that's all I worry about.
Yeah, Here's a picture of the new Engine 432, a Pierce Velocity, and a the best picture of E438, one of the E-One's they're replacing. The county is replacing them because the E-One's are old, and the Apparatus Committee apparently really likes the Velocities... Not sure why they went with them, but all the new rigs, 6 engines, 1 heavy rescue, a hazmat, and a not that old 105' straight stick are all on the velocity chassis.
Engine 432, 2009 Pierce Velocity

Engine 438, E-One, not sure of the model or year

I just got back from the Pierce factory today and I don't think you'll be disappointed. Send me a message and I can give you some opinionated details....
I can see those getn rippd off
sharp rig tho
My department that i am no now we have an e-one topmount pumper and have ahd good luck with it and its now are older resevre pumper but we are looling into getting a pierce or a rosenbauer. we also have 3 american lafrance pumpers and i amercian lafrance 105 foot rear mount ladder and we have had the normal wear and tear on them but they have been very good trucks. it s all about what you like in a truck. just like finding a new car find something like and think will be good for your needs and run with it.
In Appleton?
We are all PIERCE! except our rescue is a 99 Saulsbury, going to be replaced with a walkin in 2014.
Engine 21- 1989 Pierce Lance-Engine

Engine 23-2003 Pierce Dash-Engine

Engine 24 -1987 Pierce Arrow-Pumper/tanker

Engine 222- 2009 Pierce Arrow XT- Rescue Engine

If you take care of your Pierce they will take care of you.
We are just now starting to have problems with the older pieces-but 24 is almost 25 years old and still looking good and runnin fine! Ina few years it will be replaces as well, nearing the end of its 25 year cycle.

We get ours made by Singer Associates in Manassas, not that far from Fairfax, so its a good deal. They also do all the maintenance there. I haven't gotten a chance to ride along yet, so I don't have much of a working opinion, but the captain of our post really likes the E-Ones, they have a lot more room for the officer than the old Pierces, but the new Velocities have TONS of room.
Yeah Appleton.
Should have said something bro, I'm a half hour north of Appleton.

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