Right now I have a dash light, but I am looking for a siren and some additional lights for my truck. Let me know if anyone has anything. Need red and white lights.

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Get a slimlighter , grill lights,head and tail light flashers , and wig wag for your front headlights. Code 3 Vcon for sirens.
you can check http://www.galls.com click on their clearance page.. sometimes they have good deals there. also look up Camp Safety West... they are out of Ohio but they also sometimes have used lights/sirens you can order for cheap.
Check out Powercallsirens.com......they have some nice siren boxes and as for lights check out strobesnmore.com....great lights with good prices...bought my strobes and a dash light from them.....Stay safe.......Paul
speedtechlights.com I have some clear deck lights from them .. They arent very expensive and their members of the BBB They dont take too long in shipping either..
what kind of lights are you looking for? i have a whelen strobe bar taht i am looking to sell. if you need any more imfo please let me know.
Check around at different sites. You will find a lot of them offer "package deals" where they may offer 2 or 4 strobes in a kit with the power supply. Sometimes they will cheap out on giving you a lower rated power supply that doesn't offer as many flash patterns for example as a more expensive, but if you can deal with that, that would be the way to go to start off. I started off with all used stuff, and proceeded to upgrade when I could afford to. Now I have a lot better setup, but the stuff I had in the beginning worked just as well. If you have a picture of your truck, or can provide us with more details on what you are looking for as far as level of lighting, maybe we can suggest certain lights. Here are a few sites to check out. I apologize for the repeats of what others have posted:

www.ebay.com (u may find stuff here, but be advised that ebay policy does NOT allow selling of colored lens')
If anyone is interested in dash lights or sirens, I sell them. I can get anything you would like in any color. Just email me with what you would like and the color and I'll give you the price of my product. Also I have video of some of my product that you can email me and I can send to you. My email is shadowsstrobesnsirens@yahoo.com


Ide look on ebay..... just invstigate the products before you buy them of course
nice touch with the graphics, box format and white letters... impressive. CBz
Can you believe it? Someone posted light for sale the same time you posted yours... What are the chances? LOL




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