Parra quitting council to run Fire Department

While he won’t hold the title of fire chief, Zapata said Parra will do much of the same work Juniel did managing the department. The city’s Fire Department has three battalion chiefs who oversee fire protection.

Clipped this from the newspaper today. Local city is replacing their retiring chief with someone who has no firefighting experience. He does though have a background in managing EMS. I hope this isn't a trend coming. We are already hiring EMT-P and training them to be FF. Now it looks like at least one department is going to be run that way.

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What a slam against the rank and file firefighter's who have worked to learn the job from the bottom up.

For those who inspired to be a fire chief or manager, the ability to know politics, budgeting and fiscal planning are the things you need to be fluent with, not firefighting... Fortunately, this only applies to the larger departments, mostly located on the west and east coast.

Thank god for real firefighters working their way to the rank of Fire Chief in most departments. To follow this trend Jay, is nothing less than scary. This will facilitate elected officials such as your county Sheriff to get away with a lot more when it comes time to Prop 72 fund distribution and actually championing the needs of the fire department. What you end up with is a bureaucrat who cares more about servicing the general manager or some other "bean counter" position than he or she does about making sure that the department is always prepared with both funding, equipment and staffing levels.

Don't get me started on Prop 172 funding.

We must do a better job protecting the public from wildfires. But before we go to the public for more money I believe we need to explore our legal options with Prop 172 money which has been pouring into the county for years. The Prop 172 sales tax increase was approved by California voters to fund fire protection efforts, with the money paid to counties. However, San Diego County doesn't have a fire agency, so the bulk of our Prop 172 money goes to other public safety efforts. According to government records, San Diego County will receive close to $250 million this year in Prop 172 dollars. About $8 million will go to the city of San Diego for fire services. Can we put more Prop 172 dollars to work fighting fires without comproming other public safety? Let's find out."

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