OK we have nine members and no one’s talking? I never met a bunch of writers that didn't chat so what do Y'all write?

Me I'm doing OK getting some stuff published in both the ire and EMS arean and I am working on some major projects that well with luck will come to fruition soon. I've had a pretty good run so far given my efforts or at times therefore lack of in terms of self marketing.

I'm told by some that I write well and make some hard to "get" points easier to understand both on the technical side of writing as well as the less concrete and more abstract side like things that would be more or less in the "affective" domain of learning.

Me, I think I write "OK" but I'm always looking to get better so I love constructive criticism as long as it in that vein.

I'd love for this group to become a sort of sounding board for those that wish to improve their writing so that in the end we improve the services.


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I've frequently watched writers scope out a situation before jumping in. Maybe circle the other writers to get a sense of who's who and what's what. Hard to do in chat.

Everything we say here is like stepping up to the lecturn. NOBODY wants to be the first. Plus, isn't writing messages to a group of writers kind of like writing a query letter? The words better flow to this audience.

Or, another explanation for the silence is that writers are used to reporting on what other people are doing, rather than doing something for others to comment on.

Or, everyone was out having fun over the weekend and then working hard on Monday.

Or, we're all just waiting for something to happen.

Other thoughts, anyone?
I'll jump in.
Has anyone read any of my stuff posted here in the blogs?
I read Firehouse, Fire Engineering, Fire Chief, JEMS, Fire Rescue and Wildfire, so yes; I have read some excellent articles. In fact, I was a charter member of Firehouse.com and was an early contributor to the Volunteer Corner until the editor decided that he didn't like some of my opinions.
I find my comfort in op-ed pieces. I have been in the fire service for over 27 years. I have seen ALOT.
Needless to say, I can, more often than not, back my opinions.
And I enjoy the hell out of writing The Adventures of Jake and Vinnie.
I will write a book. I have several items on the board.
However; I am leaning towards E-books.
Probably self-publish.
Looking forward to the discussions.
There are other writers on this website.
They just haven't found you yet.
I have written articles for our local paper. Written our SOG's. I have even started a fiction series for a particular FF friend of mine that requested that I keep going with it. It's nothing particularly spectacular, just something I started and he wanted me to keep going.
I am a fan of xchief22's Jake and Vinnie series.
It's always nice to here from a fan!
Thanks, Rook.
hhhhhhhheeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo ooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo
I do some writing on my un-official blog for Howard County Fire & Rescue.

I've always tried to be as professional as I can in my writing, and honestly, it kinda annoys me to see very poor writing (using "there", "they're", and "their" incorrectly, amongst others).
Doug; I am with you completely on that point. I could never understand why, if someone was unsure which word to use, why they wouldn't take the time to find out.
Having said that...which is it?

I USED to (ride the engine)


I USE to (ride the engine)

I'm asking because I can never remember! Who here knows the correct format? I know it is very often written incorrectly.
i started writing as a hobby after i had my heart attack on the job. i write murders and mysteries in a fiire dept genre. my source material usually comes from what i overhear in the firehouse. i then morph that into my story(s). my last two projects dealt with stories related to current events in the fire service. the biggest problem i have is remembering that i am writing about the fire service so i have to be descriptive without going to far for the civilian reader. i am looking to get published without breaking the bank
So far, I have had 2 articles published for Fire Engineering: one about Quantifying Computer Workload in the Fire Service, and the other about VoIP and 911 issues. I have an article in the works about looking at open-source software as a money-saving measure for budget-strapped departments.

Capt. Craig


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