Who has more stress on the job?
A firefighter or a cop?
What can you do about it?
You know that STRESS KILLS!

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Hey Chief,

Great question! To help evaluate this data, I have noticed that a lot of FF's in our department either smoke, or use "smokeless" tobacco. Not to mention the smoke we inhale during the day to day operations.

Could this be a contributing factor?


I'll light a candle for ya, Ralph.
I believe that both jobs present different types of stress that are unique to each profession, but every cop will tell you that he/she should have been a Firefighter. An old timer once told me, "The one thing that cops and firemen have in common is that they both want to be firemen..." So, what can we do about the stress of either job? In my personal opinion, faith is the answer. We have to give total control of our lives to God. With faith we deal with stress by believing that God(Allah) is the only judge and He will judge us according to our actions and/or reactions to different situations. I deal with my stress with prayer and I beg God(Allah) to strenghten me and to keep me focused on His will throughout all situations.
Oh my God....the inhumanity in it all.....WILL IT NEVER STOP...!!!
God created Firefighters so that Cops could have heroes.......LOL
You'll pay for that when strtcopr shows up.
Im going to go out on a limb here. But I really think its cops. I hate to let them win anything but that cant be healthy knowing that most of the free world hates cops in general. I mean firemen get the girls, the glory, and all the goodies all cops get are fat donut jokes.

so my votes on them
heres what i see

Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you weren't asleep.
I thought it was when your hair started falling out at age 25
Art...that's the story of my life....LOL
A fireman and a policeman died and both went to heaven where they were issued probationary wings with warning that if they had even one bad thought their wings would fall off. Everything went well for a some time, then one day they passed VERY attractive young lady. As the fireman turned to watch her, his wings fell off. When he bend over to pick them up, the policemans wings fell off.

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