Why Does the Older Firefighter Have a Problem with Juniors/Explorers?

in my company there r very few firefighters that like the junior program is that the same in every company or jus mine and how come kids say stuff about us calling us wanna bes if they only really new how much we doo ....

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You nailed it on the head.

we dont have that problem. We have excellent jrs. As Jr cheif i have come to relize that we make the firefighters job easier and keeping hands free to do what need to be done. But it will get better and i wish your fire dept the best of luck.

Alyssa vachula FVFD 15
nope... we have a consistent approach from the younger folks out there that use the FFN as an extension of facebook, myspace, twitter, etc.

It's not that we don't understand what is being said, but what may be a generation thing where younger folks are fine taking shortcuts when texting, whoops... I mean posting responses here on the FFN site.

Wait...we can use more 160 characters on here?!?

We treat our juniors like probies it's more a right of passage. The only problems we have, is some our juniors get in the way from time to time. Juniors need to remember they are not firefighters yet. But I also know juniors can be very helpful at the fire ground freeing up firefighters to take care of the fire. We have our juniors change bottles, hump hose, get equipment, and other stuff that doesn't involve firefighting. As I said older guys get pissed when they get in the way.
You hit that on the head.
If i carried a pager (mine has not been issued yet) I would say that due to the fact that it is department/town property I can not give it up per leaglity purposes. But then again my dept is in a different town than my school.
My department mostly loves the explorer posts. Some don't think we should be around due to the massive state regs on explorers. But we get along. Theres other departments that I have connections to that are th problem.
Trust me when I say that we do appreciate the juniors. But don't expect to be acknowledged for every little thing that you do. As far as the older guys or kids at school calling you 'wannabe's,' don't let it get to you. The older ones are just bustin' your balls, and the kids at school are just assholes. But hang in there, when you turn 18 (or whatever your age regulation may be), you'll have a ton af background experience that will help you in being an interior firefighter. As for now, do what you're told, listen to the older guys, and just keep on going. (helpful hint to juniors and probies as well- you have 2 ears and 1 mouth, so you should listen twice as much as you speak.)
Why Does the Older Firefighter Have a Problem with Juniors/Explorers?

Exhibit A: I+started+as+a+junior+so+I+can+relate+2+this...

Must be using a PC... and not a Mac... :D
Today's juniors expect "instant gratification", like they just beat a level in "Worlds of Warcraft" or finished a song in RockBand...

Real life in the firehouse kids... there's work to be done, and at a fire nobody is going to give you a pat one back and a gold star.. you'll be assigned another task or two to carry out.

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