CHARLESTON, S.C. - A fire department in South Carolina has removed a nativity display from a station after getting a complaint.

The Post and Courier of Charleston reported Monday that the nativity scene was removed from Charleston's Fire Station 12 after the complaint that the display supports Christianity.

The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation sent a letter dated Dec. 17 to Mayor Joe Riley and Fire Chief Thomas Carr asking that the display be removed. The letter says a local resident complained.

The complaint was referred to the city's legal department, which recommended the scene be removed, citing U.S. Supreme Court rulings against promoting one religion over another.

A number of Charleston fire stations have Christmas decorations, but those include Santa Claus and holiday lights.

Information from: The Post and Courier,

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Ha Ha Ha, I like to bro- stay safe
The persecution is not in the denial of the nativity in my local park, it is in the denial of the nativity while AT THE SAME TIME allowing the Menorah. That is favoritism, pure and simple. When a government favors one religion over another it ends up persecuting the other. I am by no means a fundamentalist at least not in the derogatory way I think you are using it.

By accusing me of thinking there is some great Jewish conspiracy, you try and paint me as an anti-Semite, something else I am not. However my only point was to point out that this kind of action is far more widespread than we want to think it is. Other posts have said that this wouldn't happen to a Muslim display, but it doesn't have to involve Muslims, Christians and Jews are played against each other quite nicely without getting anyone else involved.

Of course the Atheists that make these complaints never seem to complain about any non-Christian displays. So such complaints combined with government favoritism produce a pattern of persecution. OF course the political correctness present in today's society makes it perfectly OK to do this, which is the worst part of this.

I agree that two articles posted on FFN, are not proof positive of a conspiracy, but there are two other factors that you have forgotten. First is that the News Media (Being PC) rarely report on this unless they are painting the Christian Church in a bad light, and secondly FFN only posts these articles as they relate tot he fire service. Even my local park would not make it up here, had it been on the news, as there is no firefighter aspect to the story.
Alan, at the least, I commend your persistence, even if, in my opinion it is misguided.
The reference you make about the nativity and menorah are two different situations. In the one, the menorah was only allowed to remain for one day (on city property) while there was a merry xmas sign hanging from a firehouse. One was only given a day (menorah) while the other was given the entire xmas season (the firehouse). I agree, this is indeed favoritism, in favor of the christians. (outcome, the fire department was allowed to keep the sign up. Not sure about the menorah.)

The other (more recent) one was what was initially presented as a nativity scene on fire department (city) property (latest news is that it was on private property yet still ordered to be taken down! Go find my comments on that update, you might be surprised.) Had it indeed been on fire department property it should be removed, otherwise it's the government endorsing a particular religion, which it is prohibited from doing per the constitution. You may not like that but that's the way it is.

Please show me where I accused you of thinking there is some great jewish conspiracy and painting you as an anti-semite. Truth is you've just accused me of slander, which I both deny and resent. Your comment that "Christians and Jews are played against each other quite nicely..." tells me that you feel there IS some kind of conspiracy. Shame on you.

I bet if I spend a little time and google it I would find that atheists do indeed object to displays other than christians. Funny thing is though, it's almost always the christians that are waving their religion all about in everyone's face (I guess it's because they are supposed to go an convert all the heathens. Historically, that was never a very good or nice thing.)

Again, show me where government favoritism is against christians. Which religious belief system has systematically objected to, protested against and in general raised holy hell (pun intended) when it comes to same-sex marriage? Again, which group managed to get the defense of marriage act passed? Which group right now is trying to hold up a health insurance bill unless a rider is attached prohibiting federal money for abortions? Which group managed to prevent not only sex education and condom awareness but was funded to preach abstinence? (how'd that work out by the way?)

The only time that the news media is PC (conservative buzz word for liberal) is when conservatives/christians disagree with it. As for painting the christian church in a bad light, you mean like when priests are charged with molesting little boys? Or when a pastor is caught with a gay prostitute, or having an affair with another woman? Yeah, damn that PC press. That should all be kept quiet, right?

Truth is, by and large (IMHO) the christian church is hypocritical and determined to turn this nation into a christian taliban nation, i.e. everyone would have to be christian to be elected, hold any position of authority, teach or even get a job. While I am as much for freedom of religion as the next person, I would never stand for a theocratic government. Ever. Sorry.
Sure there is, if God can't help our money make us prosperous, who can? I certainly don't want "In Ben Bernanke we trust" (sp) on our money.
It would appear that, given the recent economic crash, having in god we trust didn't really seem to make much of a difference, did it?

Anyone else see the irony of having money with 'in god we trust' on it and then using it to buy drugs, pay for hookers, gamble with and support wars? Maybe it's just me.
Jack, what is on the money says that we trust God. It doesn't say that God will give us only good times. Sometimes He uses bad times to teach a lesson.

The people that use the money for whatever reason are not generally the same ones that design and print it, so that point is kinda' moot.

As for "supporting wars", ever read the Old Testament where God sent his servants to battle any number of times? Joshua and the battle of Jericho, David and Goliath, Israel vs. a variety of enemy countries...?
If you read the salutation it was to you and John, so some of the things did not apply to you but perhaps you were to busy with starting your next argumentative phase that you did not fully pay attention.
No, I usually just address my response to one person, I wasn't about to try and figure out exactly who you were scolding. Do try to be more clear about it in the future. How is it that my responses are "argumentative phases"? I'm guessing it's because I disagree with you and some others. Rather priggish of you, isn't it?
I am not naive, you are if you believe that taking away one freedom does not lead to the revocation of other freedoms, it appears that you just haven't had one of the freedoms you cherish infringed upon.

Beverly....try going about to read my post regarding politics in place of religion on this thread. It is basically the same thing. Yes, you are niave to think you personal freedoms are being infringed upon when a religious display is ordered to be removed from PUBLIC property. It is the same reason I can not campaign for a candidate while on duty, nor put campaign signs in front of the station. My freedoms are not being infringed upon, but my beliefs can be misconstrued to be the beliefs of the fire dept. It is the same reason military members can't campaign in uniform or on a govt why is it that you believe your personal freedoms are being infringed upon when clearly they are not?

The reason I brought up the chaplain issue is because on one end you are talking tolerance, yet on the next are saying those offended of a Nativity on PUBLIC property can move out of the country. Not a very tolerant stance, is that?
I like it!

I thought I heard by dog singing backup.

Yes, but why should those who don't believe in Christianity have to learn it, know it, and love it? Why don't you learn, know, and love the Islamic faith? I mean after all that is basically what you are insinuating here. Christmas, being a celebration of Christ, doesn't mean one has to endure your personal beliefs and religious symbols on their public property as well. How would you feel if the local Mosque wanted to have a big celebration and have displays up on public property, in front of fire stations etc, and then come out and say "learn it, know it, love it"?

ruf, ruf, ruf......ruf, ruf, ruf.....ruf, ruf, ruf, ruf, ruf

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