The latest discussion on "EMS Choppers" got me thinking. When you say "EMS Chopper", some people may close their eyes and get a mental picture of an EMS helicopter, but I get a picture of an EMS-themed motorcycle, chopped and customized by a cutting-edge motorcycle designer like Jesse James or the Tuttle family of OCC fame.

If I were lucky enough to have Jesse or OCC design my EMS chopper, here are some of the features it would have...

Star of Life mirrors - none of the old outlaw Iron Cross mirrors for EMS
Laryngoscope handle throttle grips
IV Pole sissy bar
Foot pegs adjustable into the Trendelenburg position
The designer's logo in mirror script
Star of Life cast wheels
Trauma Scissor clutch and brake levers
Oil tank shaped like a suction cannister
Spark plug wires color-coded like cardiac monitor leads

For a really cool touch, the bike would have a belt drive with a belt custom-woven to look like a roller bandage.

I know that you guys can add creative touches to my EMS Chopper.
Let me know how you'd help me customize it.

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Too funny! And I thought OCC's firefighter bike was bad-ass.
Funny, I too thought of motorcycles when I first saw that thread title.

Looks like someone else had some thoughts on motorcycles and emergency services...
They apparently beat OCC to the fire-themed bike, too.
That would work, Caleb, but then we'd need drag racing sissy wheels - we could use stretcher wheels for that add-on.

Nice suggestion.
How about a twin-rail femur splint for the front forks. And an AED for the gas tank?

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